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All the answers for your Family Feud questions!

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All Questions page 115

Name Something Specific You Do When Talking To A Child, But Not When Talking To An Adult?
What Does A Person With Bad Eyesight Do First Thing In The Morning?
Name A US President Who People Know A Lot About.
Name A Type Of Company Which Does Especially Brisk Business During The Winter.
Name Something You Might Lose At The Gym.
Name A Place That Kids Beg Their Parents To Take Them.
When You’re Footing The Bill At A Restaurant, Name Something You Hope Your Date Doesn’t Order.
If You Didn’t Look Like Cindy Crawford, What Clothing Item Might You Still Be Able To Model?
Name Something That Only Happens To People Once A Year.
Why Might Parents Wait Until After Baby’s Born To Give It A Name?
Name A Food You Eat With Your Fingers.
Name A Section You’d See At A Book Store.
What Do Most Parents Use To Quiet Their Baby?
Name An Occasion In Which Dancing Is A Part Of The Celebration.
Name Something A Baby Does That Would Be Considered Flirting If An Adult Did It.
Name Something A Lumberjack Bride Might Be Wearing Under Her Wedding Gown.
Name An Activity People Might Do On A Hawaiian Vacation.
Name An Extra Something You Add To Your Mac And Cheese To Make It More Satisfying.
What Complaint Might A Rockstar Make About His Life?
Name Something Parents Want Their Children To Do In A Certain Way, But Children Often Disagree.
What Is The Most Romantic City In The World?
Unlike His Jacket, Name A Part Of Your Husband’s Suit That You Wouldn’t Borrow Even If You Were Cold.
In A Hunter’s Lodge, What Might The Hanging Deer Head Do That Creeps You Out?
Tell Me How Much You’d Expect To Pay For A Bottle Of Wine At A Fancy Restaurant. (Numeric Only With $)
Name A U.S. City That’s On The Ocean.
Name An Article Of Winter Clothing That Teenagers Are Too Cool To Wear.
When A Kid Says “I’m Bored”, Name Something A Parent Often Suggests.
Name A Nuisance Most People Have To Deal With If They Work Downtown.
Name Something The Three Stooges Do While Fighting That You’d Be Surprised To See A Pro Boxer Do.
Name A Type Of Exercise Class That Would Probably Be Attended By More Females Than Males.
Name A Sport That Doesn’t Require A Lot Of Equipment.
Name A TV Gameshow You Think You Have A Good Chance Of Winning.
Name A Place Where, Once You Enter, You Can’t Leave Right Away.
Name An Activity You Can Learn To Do While Visiting Hawaii.
Besides A Cow, Name Something Milk Comes From.
Name A Famous Washington.
Name Something A Bachelor Pad Needs.
Name Something You Would Probably Have To Do A Lot Of If You Were A Supermodel.
Name A Term For “Little Boy” That A Very Old Person Might Use.
Name Something Kids Do Over Their Summer Vacation.
Name Something In Your House You Might Have Installed.
In Which Profession Are You Most Likely To Find Lots Of People With Tattoos?
Name A Quality That’s Important In A Friend, And Even More Important In A Spouse.
Name An Accessory You Might Be Given On Your First Day Working At A Factory.
Name A Sport That Involves Hitting A Ball.
Name A Book That’s Found In Most People’s Homes.
Name A Food That Gets Chopped.
Name A Type Of Professional That You Seldom See Joking Around.
Where Do You Think It’s Appropriate For Men To Go Shirtless?
Name A Place Where You’d Find Colorful Neon Lights
Name Something That Can Be Hard To Get Off A Carpet.
Name Something Kids Might Collect From The Beach.
Name A Fruit You Might Cut With A Knife Before Eating.
Name Something That Might Make You Dizzy.
Name Something Baseball Fans Argue With The Umpire About. (Be More Specific Than “Calls”)
Name An Ingredient You Use In Baking, But Would Not Eat On Its Own.
Which Terms For Weather Phenomena Could A Roller Coaster Be Named After?
When Learning To Drive, What Might Your Teacher Do That Indicates She’s Afraid?
Why Would A Cheerleader Say She Had A Bad Day?
Name Something That Politicians Say They’d Like To End.
What Reason Might A Teen Give For Why They’re Dropping Out Of College?
While Vacationing, What Might A Cheapskate Buy As Souvenirs For Her Friends?
Name An “Extra” You Might Pay More For At The Gym.
On His 18th Birthday, What Would A Mom Hate To Hear Her Son Say? “Mom, I’m ___.”
Name Something That Happens In Spring That Puts You In A Good Mood.
Name Something Most Classrooms Have Today, That They Didn’t Have 50 Years Ago.
Name A Way That You Can Tell A Kid’s Bedroom Apart From Their Parents’ Room.
Name Something A Little Kid Might Tell You About Santa Claus.
Name A Mistake You’ve Made In Your Life That You Are Determined To Never Make Again.
Name A Comedian That Gets On People’s Nerves.
Name A Place Where You Rush To If You’re Late.
Name A Healthy Choice That Young People May Put Off Until They’re Older.
Other Than A Restaurant, Where Might You Be Served Bad Food?
Name Something Americans Wear To Show They Are Ready To Party.
What Profession Has The Most Jokes Made About It?
Name A Fruit You Can Buy In The Frozen Food Section.
Name Something It’s Probably Much Harder To Do In Outer Space Than It Is On Earth.
Tell Me Something People Do To Avoid Catching A Cold.
Name Something A Disneyworld Character Is Probably Forbidden From Doing While In Costume.
Name Something People Used More Often Before Cell Phones Were Invented.
Name Something Police Will Give You A Ticket For.
Name Something You Might See Pictured On A Postcard From Alaska.
Which Celebrity Do You Think Gets The Most Hate Mail?
Name Something You Might Have To Watch Out For While Skiing The Slopes.
Name A Place That Gets Crowded At The End Of A Work Day.
If Someone Looks Like Your Spouse From Faraway, What Do You Look At To Be Sure That It’s Him/Her?
Other Than Cut It, Name Something You Expect A Beautician To Do To Your Hair During A Haircut.
Name A State Where You’d Find A Lot Of Farms.
Name Something You Do To Let Party Guests Know It’s Time To Go.
Name Something You Don’t Buy At The Grocery Store If You Have A Long Walk Home.
Name Something California Has More Of Than Any Other State.
Name Something You Eat That Can Be Described As Juicy.
Name A Vegetable That’s Not Green.
Name A Place You May Keep Your Keys While Swimming.
Name An Inappropriate Place For A Couple To Start Smooching.
Name A Job That Gets More Work In Winter.
Which Part Of Your Morning Routine Would You Refuse To Leave Home Without Doing?
What Do You Order At The State Fair, If You Don’t Want To Eat Fried Food?
Name A Sport Shaquille O’Neal Would Look Ridiculous Competing In.
Name An Animal That’s Shown As Cute In Cartoons, But Is Disgusting In Real Life.
Name Something A Super Model Needs To Have Just Right.
Name An Animal That You See On Motivational Posters At A Workplace.
Name Another Way Of Saying That Someone Has A Big Ego.
Name Something That, Once You Do It, All The Neighbors Seem To Start Doing It Too.
Name A Sport That Does Not Have The Word Ball In It.
Name Something That Gets Stuck In A Tree.
Name Something You Don’t Want To Do When You’re Tired.
Name Something Diet Food Is Usually Lower In.
Name Something Specific You Always Get For Christmas, But Never Want.
Name Your Favorite Disney Animated Movie.
Name Something That Might Be Painful To Do Right After A Person’s Had A Face Lift.
Name Something About Their Job That Most People Would Change If They Could.
Name A Magazine That Focuses On Hollywood Stars
In Which Sport Is An Athlete Most Likely To Break A Leg?
Name Something Kids Use In The Bathtub That An Adult Would Look Silly Using.
Tell Me Something Specific A Detective Looks For At A Murder Scene.
Where Would You Be Embarrassed To Admit You Can’t Remember Someone’s Name?
Name Something You Have To Remove When You Go Through Security At The Airport.
Other Than Good Food, Name Something A Great Restaurant Has To Have.
Tell Me The Longest You’ve Ever Gone Without Eating
Name A Famous Group Of Three Characters.
Name Something People Do When They Want To Look Better. (Makeover Is Not An Answer, Be More Specific)
Name A Male Performer Past Or Present Known For Wearing Outrageous Clothing.
Name The Thing You Most Fear Doing During An Important Job Interview.
Name Something About A Celebrity’s Life That Gets Plastered On Magazine Covers. (More Specific Than “Love Life”)
Name The Most Important Thing A Couple Has To Pick Out For Their Wedding.
Name The First Thing You’d Say To The Other Driver After A Fender Bender.
Which Subject Would Most Elementary School Kids Say Is Their Favorite?
Name Something You’d Find In A Greek Salad.
Tell Me A Color Of Car You Would Never Buy.
Name Something You Might See At A High School Homecoming.
What Might A Cowboy Do In Order To Catch A Woman’s Eye?
Name A Human Food That Many Zoo Animals Eat.
Tell me what you might use to dry your hands in a public restroom.
100 woman surveyed: People promise to marry for better or worse. Name something that turned out better than you expected.
Real or fictional, name a famous singing family.
Name something that people soak in their sink.
Fill in the blank with one specific word: Walking ___
Name something that a pilot might turn on after the plane takes off.
What is a vegetable that starts with word “sweet”
Name something in a divorce settlement that can be divided in half.
What would a really cheap airline make you pay extra for.
Name something ancient Greece is known for.
Name something you drink because you think it’s good for you
When traveling in your car, name something you have
Name something a clumsy surgeon might accidentally leave behind in a patient.
Name something that twinkles.
Name something that shouldn't be in your car while being pulled over by the police.
Name a food that people snack on while grocery shopping.
In your nightmares, which act in the circus would you be a part of?
Name something you pick that can make you rich.
Name something from your childhood that you just won't throw away.
Name something you should have before telling your spouse that you want a divorce.
Name an important occasion you'd hate to realize was yesterday.
Name a place you've learned to keep your mouth shut if you want to stay out of trouble.
Name something that is used in a lonely night.
Name something a couple might start arguing about when they move in together.
Name something you find in a desert
Name something a sports fan does when the TV camera points at them
Name an appliance that uses a lot of electricity
Name a term used in a game of bowling
Tell me something that makes more noise the older it gets.
Name a car that's named after an animal
Name An Occasion When You Give A Present
Name something people do when they haven't had enough coffee
Name something shoe soles are made of
Name something you'd hate to see an "Out of Order" sign on
Name a creature who’s gender you’re never sure of
What are some things you find in a desert
Name something that might be considered "hard to swallow"
Song you would hear on a Halloween playlist
Name something that's hard to do with your eyes open
Name a food people whip.
Name something a hardcore American football fan wears to the stadium on game day
Tell me a ball that's smaller than a baseball
Name something that might get rained out.
Name a game you see people playing in the park.
Name the most useful body part that begins with the letter "L".
Name a word that can follow "tongue".
Name a place people drag themselves to because they think it's good for them.
Name an animal shape in box of animal crackers
Where is a good place to study?
Name something in your kitchen you'd hate to be without.
If students ran schools, name some things they would probably get rid of.
Name an animal a snake can swallow whole.
Name something handmade that might be sold at a tourist destination.
Name something people might lose on a roller coaster.
Name something a guest might steal from a wedding.
Give one word polite people use instead of cursing.
Name something you like to be alone to do.
Name something that might bring a grown person to their knees.
Name a profession that would require you to save someone's life.
Name a streaming app available on a smart tv.
Name a sport that's most popular outside of the United States.
Name something a family does together at Christmas
Name something you would never trust a robot to do.
Name something you wouldn't want to get stuck to you.
Name something that a person wouldn't want to see their doctor carrying.
Besides quarterback, name a position in American football.
Name something a grandma might tell you to put on a sunburn.
Name something that is hard to get off of walls.
Name something that would be difficult to transport on a motorcycle.
Name the appliance or furnishing that is the worst to lift when moving out.
Name something you might do after a long run.
Name something a computer virus might do.
Name an instrument that is never played at romantic restaurants.
Name a way your significant other could embarrass you in public.
Name something that is hard to do while holding an umbrella.
Name something you would need to buy after purchasing a boat.
Name something that a clown might learn at clown college.
Name a fruit or vegetable a man might compare his "manhood" to.
Besides horns, name something associated with unicorns.
Name something people use to cover up the smell of pets.
Name something specific you can order at a bowling alley.
Name a word that could be used to describe a portable toilet.
Name something kids collect that most adults don't.
Tell me a slang word or phrase used to refer to husbands.
Name something that lazy people claim they never have time for.
Name something specific people do at work to relieve stress.
Name something in your house that is stackable.
Name the last thing that you put your finger in.
Name something you might find while exploring an abandoned house.
Name something couples usually do before getting married.
Name something everyone should know about their fiancee before getting married.
At what age should a single person consider lowering their standards in a mate?
Name something you might have to spend money on in order to keep your spouse happy.
Name something annoying that fans do at sporting events.
Name something a school may ask of parents
Name something that a bitter person might compare to their ex's heart.
Name a situation when you're not concerned with your appearance.
Name a type of puzzle that people enjoy.
Name something people fantasize about while they're at work.
Name something that students might protest against.
How would women describe the ideal man?
Name something you might need to fix a roof.
Name something in the past they have tried to outlaw.
Name something you might do while your spouse is sleeping that would make them mad.
Name something you could not live without.
Name something that might feel like it will never end.
Name something that people waste money on.
Name something that independence Day means to kids
Name something specific that a mom gets tired of picking up?
Name a place kids wish they lived next door to?
Name something that appears simple but isn't?
What can you never share with a best friend?
What movie takes place on Christmas?
Name something that has a lot of holes.
Name something people own to make their life easier.
Name a place where you could see a lot of different colors.
Name a 1980s heart-throb.
If you thought you heard a robber in your home where would you hide?
Name something you might see in an actor's dressing room.
Name something a spy would have to be good at.
Name something a deli employee might shove down his pants before a date.
Tell me a sport you might only play in winter.
Tell me something people look forward to every year.
Name something people do when they can't fall asleep.
Name a costume lots of kids wear on Halloween.
Name something you might check several times a day.
Besides attraction, name a reason why somoene might stare at you.
Name a food that a toothless person could eat
What would you hate to see on your car when you get back?
Name the last place in the world where you would want someone to pants you.
Name a situation when it's okay to take off your wedding ring.
What country did Valentine's day originate from?
Name a real or fictional band that has food in it.
Tell me something that you might see in the Arctic.
Tell me who you might spend Valentine's Day with if you're not in a relationship.
Tell me something scary about climbing Mount Everest.
Name an Asian country.
Tell me something you would not like to encounter whilst sailing across ocean
(married guys): The good news is your wife’s an animal in bed. The bad news is the animal’s a what?
Tell me another way people say "stoned".
Name something that exists in outer space.
Name someone or something you might get trip ideas from.
Name something you might keep within arms reach while on a road trip.
Name a place you could go if you were on the run from the law.
Tell me something you do NOT want to see during a trip to the beach.
What did people use to plan vacations before the internet?
Name a shellfish that people like to eat.
Name an animal with a big mouth.
Tell me a word you'd use to describe someone that is mean.
We asked 100 people: Name a vampire who doesn't like feeding on human blood.
Name a character from the Justice League.
Name a country that ends in 'stan'.
Tell me something kids often want to be when they grow up.
Name a famous video game character.
Name an action movie star.
If you were wearing a swimsuit, name a place you might not be allowed into.
Name a place you shouldn't flirt with someone.
Name a movie you might watch on Valentine's Day.
Name your favorite place to read a book.
Name a place parents might hide Christmas presents.
Name a summer attraction the whole family can enjoy.
Name something action heros are not afraid of.
Name something you do to pass time at work.
Name a country that doesn't win many medals at the Summer Olympics.
Past or present, name a famous Olympic sprinter.
Name a famous country singer.
Name a food you might eat on the 4th of July.
Name something you do to a room to make it smell good.
Tell me something that never works when you need it to.
Tell me something you try to fix yourself, rather than having a professional fix it for you.
Name a country where they speak French.
Name a profession where you need to be good at math.
Name something people come back from vacation with.
Name something you might want to do when visiting Japan.
Name something that you'd have to buy if you wanted to dress up like a witch.
Name a revolution other than the American revolution.
Name a gift your partner might not appreciate.
Name a dog breed that has a bad rap.
Name something you don't want to do when you're tired.
Besides teachers, name a profession that can take the summer off.
Name something associated with Little Red Riding Hood.
Name something you receive multiple times per day.
Name a place you might turn to for relationship advice.
Name a type of weather advisory you may see in the summer.
Name something people use to kill unwanted insects.
Name something grown ups tell kids to be careful of in the summer.
Name an animal that likes to dig.
Name something people are not allowed to do on public beaches.
Name a country that begins with the letter "E".
Name something you would not like to happen during Thanksgiving dinner.
Name something you might steal from a hotel room.
Name someone who is famous for helping people.
Name a reason why someone might apply for a loan.
Name a famous movie monster.
Name a character from "The Brady Bunch".
Name something England is famous for.
Name the most famous person alive.
Name a type of makeup.
Tell me a celebrity you would hate to sit next to on a flight.
Name something people get insurance for.
Give me a word that means the opposite of 'smooth'.
Name something you wear that would still fit if you lost 20 pounds.
Tell me something that is okay for kids to do, but not parents.
Name animals you expect to see on an African safari.
Name a profession that usually has more females than males.
Name something people hold on tight to.
Name a place where you often see people with luggage.
Name something that might be kept in a cage.
Name something you might do to impress your boss.
Name something that you don't want front row seats for.
Name something you might find in a classroom.
Besides a lion, name an animal featured in the Lion King.
Name something that smells awful when it expires.
Name a person you associate with the American Civil War.
Name something you might do on a first date.
Name an animal that starts with the letter 'F'.
When is the worst time to get sick?
Name a reason why it would be a pain to live in a big city.
Name something a kid might save their allowance for.
Tell me something you might do after you get a bad grade on a test.
Name a Halloween movie people like to watch.
Name a food you might eat on Thanksgiving.
Name something you wear two of at the same time.
Name someone you might see at a graduation ceremony.
Name an animal with four letters in its name.
Tell me something you associate with Brazil.
Name something that is uncomfortable to sit on.
Name something your doctor might tell you to do.
Name a famous supermodel.
Give me a woman's name that is 4 letters long.
Name a country that used to have a lot of colonies.
Name a celebrity who is popular on Twitter.
Tell me something you associate with the Star Wars series.
Name a non-traditional instrument you might see people playing.
Name something a telemarketer might try to sell to you.
Name something you might see in a fire station.
Name something you blow on.
Name a celebrity you would be embarrassed to see your parent dress like.
Name a famous ABBA song.
Name a way you know your dog is happy to see you.
When a couple breaks up, what might one partner want back?
Name something that stains your teeth.
Give me an expression which contains the word 'ring'.
Tell me a man's name that starts with the letter "P".
Name another word for "strong".
We asked 100 women: Name something you refuse to spend a lot of money on.
Name something you miss while on vacation.
Name a city that has hosted the Summer Olympic Games.
Name a country that doesn't win many medals at the Winter Olympics.
Name another word for "big".
Name a country where they speak English.
Name something you associate with goldfish.
Give me another word for "large".
Name something a child outgrows.
Tell me a country that is known for having nice people.
Name a word or phrase you associate with the word "long".
Tell me something people do to be romantic on Valentine's Day.
Name a celebrity who has had a lot of plastic surgery.
Name a flower often seen at weddings.
Tell me something people do more of during winter than summer.
We asked 100 people: Name a movie that features dragons.
Name a job where you would use a flashlight.
Name the last thing you would say to your boss if you quit your job.
Name something associates with Snow White.
Name something you have that you wish was bigger.
Name a pet some people keep that others would try to kill if they saw it in their house.
Where do you think a kid might think a monster could be hiding?
Name a classic cartoon.
Name a city in North America you would hate to drive in.
Tell me something you expect to find in a hotel.
Name a breakfast cereal that adults hate but children don't.
Past or present, name a famous country singer.
Name an Olympic sport that is played in a pool.
Name a reason you might marry someone you don't really love.
Name a city that is expensive to live in.
Name something that a child would touch but an adult would not.
Name an occupation where you mostly deal with strangers.
Name a country that exports a lot of oil.
Name something that might live in a crypt.
Name something specific that might give you away when you are trying to hide.
Name a famous villain from the Spiderman series.
Name something that is scarier at night.
Name a fruit you might find in a yogurt.
Name a place that is associated with the rain.
Tell me something you might buy at a flea market.
Name a food you boil before eating.
We asked 100 married men: What do you do when your wife starts crying?
Name something in your house that makes a lot of noise.
Name something you plan for.
Name an animal that lays eggs.
Name a country where people go to ski.
Tell me something you think of when you think of Star Trek.
Name something you'd do a lot more if you didn't own a television.
Name something people are always looking for but rarely find.
Name something you can't do when it's cold out.
Name something a hunter might bring on a trip.
Name something in your house that needs maintenance.
Name another word for 'weak'.
Give me a word that means the opposite of 'normal'.
Besides the US, name a country where they play hockey.
Name a document that proves your age.
Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter "E".
Name an animal that is known for biting humans.
Name a way of keeping warm.
Name somewhere children love to go but adults don't.
Name a book you expect a high school student to read in English class.
Tell me something you would expect to see a farmer wear.
Name a professional athlete with a bad reputation.
Name something that might ruin a date.
Name a job you should avoid if you are afraid of public speaking.
Name an occupation that has to work on Sundays.
We asked 100 people: Name your favorite Disney princess.
Tell me something a man with a big beer belly might have a hard time fitting into.
Name something that friends might swap.
Name an animal that hops.
Tell me a reason why a baby might be cranky.
Name something people buy to prepare for a big storm.
Name something you might feed at a petting zoo.
Name something you might find at a circus.
Name something that reminds you of spring.
Name something people use to make a wish.
Tell me something people have a hard time holding onto.
Name something specific that has wings.
Name a place you might find coins.
Name a recording artist parents might consider to be a bad influence.
Name an animal you might see in the woods.
Name a place people work that starts with the letter "F".
Name your favorite thing about your job.
Name a meal that's easy to cook.
Name something you might put in tea.
Give me a North American city that begins with the letter "M".
Name a sport where the competitors wear gloves.
Give me a word that means the opposite of smooth.
Name a job you shouldn't have if you don't like people.
Name an excuse men use for not calling.
Name something people chew on but do not swallow.
Give me a reason people avoid tying the knot.
Name something a person might toss.
Name a European city everybody knows of.
Name something you would not want to wake up in bed next to.
Tell me something that reminds you of summer.
Tell me something you might do on a Sunday.
Give me another word that means the opposite of 'athletic'.
Tell me someone whose plastic surgeon you'd never go to.
Name another word for 'normal'.
Name an occupation that starts with the letter "I".
Name a way a baby can communicate without words.
Name something you would not want a restaurant to run out of.
Name a type of bell.
Name a common farm animal.
Name something you don't need to be smart to win.
Name a time when you might wear a mask.
Name something that travels at high speeds.
Name something you associate with witches.
Name a household chore you do standing up.
Besides the US, name a country that has a president.
Name something you brush.
Name something specific that you might find in a fridge.
Name another word or phrase for long.
Name something you might do for your spouse when they are sick.
Name a TV personality you wish would just shut up.
Name something or someone with fangs.
Name another word for 'dirty'.
Name something that might ring.
Name something you might pretend to be in order to impress someone.
Name something you do when you're bored.
Name something you do at the beach.
Name something we get from the sun.
Name something that is associated with the word 'bubbly'.
Name a popular reality TV show.
Name a gift that would be ideal for a chef.
Name something you might do if you are not feeling well.
Name something you do to your fingernails.
Tell me an animal associated with Australia.
Name something you might do to prepare for a natural disaster.
Name a job where you can act like a child.
Name something you would not want to see your babysitter do while on the job.
Name an activity you do at summer camp.
Name a right that women had to fight for.
Name something people often forget to turn off.
Name something you could ask during a job interview.
Name a profession that uses a ladder.
Name something you do on your way to work.
We asked 100 people: Name something you would give to your child but not your boss.
Name a famous Mary.
Name something a doctor might ask a patient to do during a checkup.
Name a type of bread.
Besides the American Revolution, name another revolution.
Name something birds have.
Name a famous blonde.
Name something a kid picks up from school.
Name something you would see on a late-night talk show.
Name an occasion when you would congratulate someone.
Name something you would not want to buy in front of your parents.
Tell me part of a woman's body that is usually bigger than a man's.
Name something you do at a concert.
Name a sport associated with winter.
Name something in your house that you need a professional to fix.
Name something that might happen on a first date which would rule out a second date.
Name something on your car that might break but wouldn't stop you from driving it.
Name a famous cartoon animal.
Name something done in bare feet.
Name an animal you wish didn't exist.
Name something you might toast.
Name something a gardner does.
Name a word that rhymes with rank.
Name something people are afraid of.
Name something you see in the sky.
Name something you vote for.
Name a way to keep your kids busy.
Name a type of fish people like to eat.
Name something people can ride.
Give me a specific nickname for a city in the US.
Name a place you go to hear music.
Name something you donate to charity.
Name a reason why you might stay up all night.
Name a place you walk barefoot.
Name something you eat by the slice.
Name a country that starts with the letter 'G'.
Name a reason you might not get hired for a job.
Name a part of the body that starts with the letter "L".
Name another word for fast.
Name something people complain about.
Name a child actor who grew up too fast.
Name something a firefighter might have.
Name another word for prison.
Name something that might ruin a good date.
Name something you associate with Brazil.
Name something a bird does.
Name something a kid brings in for show and tell.
If you could not live in the US, which country would you want to live in?
Tell me an animal that might ruin a farmer's crop.
Name something you put sugar on.
Name a job someone with claustrophia should not do.
Name an unusual pet you would expect a Hollywood star to own.
Name something you can't do when it is cold out.
Name something people are always looking for but rarely ever find.
Name a singer whose name starts with the letter "L".
Name something a child can do to earn money.
Name a reason why you might not tip your waiter.
Name something men think they know more about than women.
Name something people might do to pass time while traveling.
Tell me something you might do to avoid a bill collector.
Name a man's name that starts with the letter "P".
Name a country that is known for having rude people.
Name something you might find in the ocean.
Name something you would buy for your cat.
Tell me something you hate about roommates.
Tell me something kids are always complaining about.
Name something you check everyday.
Name a country you would not want to live in.
Name a reason you might not answer the door if you were home.
Name something a couple has to pick out for their wedding.
Name something that might ruin a great vacation.
Name something that is associated with the word bubbly.
Name something you might get when you retire.
Name something you teach children to be careful with.
Name something a teenage girl might save her money to buy.
Name something you might see a squirred doing with his nuts.
Name a way you might get ready for a date.
Name an excuse kids use for not doing their homework.
Name something you bring to the airport.
Name an actor or actress known for having a big mouth.
Name a US state that attracts a lot of tourists.
Tell me a bad habit that's difficult to break.
Name a costume a woman might wear for Halloween.
Name a food that people usually eat with their fingers.
Name something you associate with Cuba.
Name something commonly found in a fairytale.
Name a brand you can recognize just by its logo.
Name a food you might find at a barbecue.
Name something you can win on a game show.
Name a city you would be afraid to go trick or treating in.
Name something people might lie about on their online dating profile.
Name something super heros are not afraid of.
Name something you keep in your car in case of emergency.
Name something a tennis player has.
Name someone you would be embarrassed to curse in front of.
Name a city in which you would love to live.
Name something people keep in the attic.
Tell me something you might order in an Italian restaurant.
Name another word for stop.
Name a South American country.
Name something people frequently trip over.
Name something you might find in the desert.
Name a US President who was known for having a way with words.
Name a red fruit.
Name something you wear on the beach.
Name a food a pregnant woman might crave.
Name something you might accidentally leave on all night.
Name another word for far.
Name something found outside that people might collect.
Name a place you would go to get a better view.
Name something you lose while doing laundry.
Tell me something that reminds you of winter.
Name a job that requires a lot of driving.
Name something you might order in a French restaurant.
We asked 100 people: Name something kids look forward to.
Tell me something you might do the moment you get home from work.
Name a bird people don't usually eat.
Tell me something you should never do in a crowded movie theater.
Tell me something you buy on Valentine's Day.
Name an animal with only 3 letters in its name.
Name someplace you keep your valuables.
Complete the phrase "state of".
Name a famous fictional detective.
Name something a doctor might ask a patient to do during a check up.
Name a famous Fred.
Name something associated with Marid Gras.
Name the most evil Disney Villain.
Name a North American city that starts with the letter "M".
Name a body part that many songs mention.
Name something a person might do on an airplane to pass time.
Name a famous movie studio.
Name something you spread.
Name another word for "fast".
Name something people do at a movie.
Name something dogs like to chase.
Name something you shouldn't do in front of the Queen.
Name something you associate with Easter.
Name something you associate with sunflowers.
Name something that might set off a metal detector in an airport.
Name something you must be legally old enough to do.
Name something people say keeps you young.
Name something people think is bad luck.
Name a city that has a large Saint Patrick's Day parade.
Name something people worry about.
Name a place you hate to be tickled.
If your pet could talk, what might they say to you?
Tell me something you keep under your sink.
Name a movie or tv show with dinosaurs.
Besides books, name something you find at a bookstore.
Tell me something that makes someone a bad house guest.
Name an activity that might take place during a slumber party.
Name a country that is known for figure skating.
Name a food you eat with a spoon.
Name something that is harder to do the older you get.
Name a vehicle that is used by the military.
Name something you might see in a bowling alley.
Name something you do when you are scared.
Name something a construction worker often uses.
Name a brand of sneaker.
Name something you might spread.
Name something that might give you cold feet.
Name a place people go because they think it is good for them.
Name an animal that might make a good first pet.
Name something you associate with New Orleans.
Name a sign that two people are in love.
Where is the last place you would want to spend your weekend.
Name something you might do on Father's Day.
Name something that keeps people safe.
Name a band that has been around for a long time.
Name another way to say "go away".
Name something people might turn their basement into.
Name an animal that appears in a lot of fairy tales.
Name something you squeeze.
Name a popular dish made with ground meat.
Name an animal associated with Australia.
Name a word that rhymes with tank.
Tell me something you might receive in a gift basket.
Name an attraction you may void because of summer crowds.
Name a place where kids don't like spending summer vacation.
Name something a parent might try to convince their child to try in the summer.
Name something you think is okay to do in public, but others frown upon.
Name something you might see at a playground.
Name something that makes noise on the kitchen.
Name a food you never see in a vending machine.
Tell me something you would not like to see when getting on an airplane.
Name something you might wear in the summer but in the winter.
Name the worse thing a policeman could find in your car.
Name a ride at Disneyland.
Name something a house can be infested with.
Name something you might do while stuck in traffic.
Name something found on a computer.
Give me a man's name that starts with the letter "D".
Name a food served in a high school cafeteria.
Name a country that gets a lot of tourists.
Fact or fiction, name a famous pirate.
Name another word for intelligent.
Tell me something you might dig up.
Tell me something people decorate their house with for Halloween.
Name something kids play in the street during summer.
Name something kids might miss while they are away at summer camp.
Name a place where someone might find summer romance.
Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with "C".
Name a day that is especially bad to break up on.
Until what time does the average kid sleep in during summer vacation.
Name an animal that might be described as majestic.
Name something a kid might put off until the end of summer.
Name a type of race that might be held in the summer.
Name something that would make you freak out if you lost it.
Name a sign that bad weather is approaching.
Name a Disney movie that always makes you cry.
Tell me something the human body has lots of.
Name a popular word to describe your spouse.
Name something you would wear in the winter but not in the summer.
Name something you hate about winter.
Name something you cannot live without.
Name something a journalist often uses.
Tell me an animal associated with America.
Name something a police officer might carry.
Name a celebrity who's a good role model.
Name something that a dog might fetch.
Name a word or phrase you associate with the word "hot".
Name something you might celebrate in the summer.
Name an American city that is easy to get lost in.
Name a sport that is played with a ball.
Name something a kid might draw on their bedroom walls.
Name a domestic pet.
Name a cartoon mouse.
Tell me the color of an alien.
Name a reason you might stop during a road trip.
We asked 100 people: Name a TV family.
Name something you would be grouchy about if you went too long without it.
Name something you do in front of the mirror that you might not want anyone else to see.
Name a situation where you would eat at a fancy restaurant.
Name something that gets frosted.
Name something a child might make for their mom.
Name something a hotel will give you for free.
Name something you only use in the summer.
Name a city where people like to show off their bodies.
Name something you pack in the cooler.
Name something you buy and only use in the summer.
Name something you find in the waiting room of a doctor's office.
Name something you might eat at Thanksgiving dinner.
Name something you find in an oasis.
Name a fruit that people can cook.
Name a historically significant year.
Name an animal associated with America.
Name something people do not want to drink on a hot day.
Past or present, name a way to travel around the world.
Name something that can make a long flight seem even longer.
How many days are too many at the beach?
Name something a wealthy person would have at the vacation house.
Name something people might share in the summer.
Name something you might see at a luau.
Name something people do in their backyard.
Tell me an activity you need special clothes for.
Tell me something you see on daytime TV.
Name something you see in a courtroom.
Name something kids lie about.
Name an activity you do in the summer that is harder to do with a baby.
Name something you use to kill insects.
Name something kids complain about at summer camp.
Name something kids can get away with in the summer that adults can't.
Name a country where you might need a jacket year round.
Name something you are not supposed to do around the pool.
Name something that might be served at a poolside snack bar.
Name something that people might go to during the summer.
Name a state that might go through a drought during the summer.
Name a part of your body that would hurt if you got sun burned.
Name something you might do to celebrate during the summer.
Name something you would put in a smoothie.
Name something people all over the world might travel to see.
Name something that might be found in a summer salad.
Name a profession that pays too much.
Tell me a place where you might see a lot of mirrors.
Name something specific a kid might do to earn their allowance.
Name a place you always spend more time at than you planned to.
Name something that might get you detention.
Name a European city everyone knows of.
Name an occupation in which you are on duty.
Give me a word or phrase with the word belly.
Tell me something that might ruin a fancy dinner party.
If your dog could talk, what might he say?
Name an animal you would not want to see sitting on your car.
Name something you would need if you were exploring the jungle.
Name the most uncomfortable place to get a sunburn.
Name a country you could travel to if you wanted to see palaces.
Name a place where you forget to apply sunscreen.
Name something you buy for a new puppy.
Give me a word that means the opposite of dark.
Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it.
Name something you associate with Superman.
Name a brand of deodorant.
Name a famous war.
Name an event for writing a speech.
Name an event on a cruise ship.
Name something they sell at concerts that are too expensive.
Name something you might step on at the beach.
Name another word for love.
Name another word for heavy.
Name another word for money.
Name a ride at Disney.
Give me an American city that starts with the letter "D".
Name a household chore you refuse to do.
Name something you would need if you were crossing the desert.
Name a sport they often make movies about.
Name a holiday in the summer time.
Name something you need in the desert.
Name the most boring way to spend your summer.
Name something that might be against the rules at a public pool.
Finish this sentence: When visiting ___, don't forget to bring your sunglasses.
Name something you look forward to seeing in the summer.
Name some place you might find your cat hiding.
Name something you might brush.
Name something you would hate to receive as a Christmas present.
Name a tool a man can't live without.
Name something you use everyday.
Name a word or phrase used to start a toast.
Name a US city with more young people than old.
Give me a word that means the opposite of clever.
Name another word for hot.
Name something that is hard to break.
Name a sport associated with cold weather.
Name something you can't do on an airplane.
Tell me something people postpone doing for as long as they can.
Name something you use to clean your teeth.
Name another word for weak.
Name another word for many.
Name another word for wet.
Name a wild animal you would like as a pet.
Name a hobby people take up when they retire.
Name something you hate to have to do.
Name something specific you might find in the fridge.
Name something cats like.
Name an occupation that starts with the letter "T".
We asked 100 people: Name a popular vampire series.
Name a type of business that is dependent on good summer weather.
Name something passengers on an airplane are told before take off.
Name an African country that is known for its wildlife.
Name something you associate with Scotland.
Name a reason you might paint your face.
Name something you wish you had been born with.
Name a US state everyone wants to live in.
We asked 100 people: Name a popular Family Guy character.
Name something you might do to win over your in-laws.
Finish this sentence: Thanksgiving, not a good day to ___.
Name something you might see in a wealthy person's house.
Name a US state that gets a lot of sunshine.
Name a way you might find out the news.
Name something a man might avoid revealing about himself while on a date.
Tell me something you do not want to see in your soup.
Name something people associate with cavemen.
Name an occupation that might get the attention of a bored housewife.
Name something an office summer retreat might entail.
Name something people like to have with them when they go swimming.
Name something that has wings.
Name something people are afraid of that starts with the letter S.
Name a body part you might want to be muscular for the summer time.
Why might kids want to stay up late on a hot summer night?
Name another word for large.
What do new parents spend most of their time doing?
Name a clothing store that you would be embarrassed to see your parent shopping at.
Name something capable of destroying a city.
Name someone you would hate calling you during a date.
What's something you might do during your lunch break?
Name something you might make someone do while they are hypnotized.
Name something you should do when there is a heat warning.
Name something you put on tacos.
Name something you buy frequently.
Give me a woman's name with 3 letters.
Name something you wear out completely before you replace it.
Name something people hate getting sand in.
Name something people bring on board boats.
Name a fruit commonly found in fruit salad.
Name something you sleep with in order to feel safe.
Besides your family, name someone you see regularly.
Name something most homes have multiples of.
Name something you take with you wherever you go.
Name a famous character from Lord of the Rings.
Tell me a word you'd use to describe someone who is mean.
Name a place where you have to keep quiet.
Name something you would not want to see in a school cafeteria.
Name something a college student might eat on the run.
Name something you might find in the glove compartment of your car.
Name something a couple might fight about.
Name something associated with the Southern US.
Name something in the kitchen that makes noise.
Name a type of cheese.
Name something a dentist might give you.
Tell me a modern convenience you could not live without.
Name something people look for at the beach.
Name a country people visit where they do not need to pack a jacket.
Name something parents teach their kids in the summer.
Name a celebrity people would want to go to the beach with.
Name something you might see at the dentist.
Name something you would do to prepare for strip poker.
Name a noise you hear first thing in the morning.
Name someone you see only once a year.
Name something your body tells you to do.
Name a place you might hide Easter eggs.
Name the ugliest place to get tan lines.
Give me a word that means the opposite of serious.
Name another word for full.
Name something that changes color.
Name an organization you might join for the summer.
Name something people in cities do to stay cool.
Name something that attracts large crowds during the summer.
Tell me an animal that people usually don't like to eat.
Name a sport where people wear gloves.
Name a common tool you might find in a garage.
Name a common tool you might find in a garage
We asked 100 people: Name a Marvel superhero.
Name something you jump on.
Name a place people go to escape the heat.
Name an animal people are most excited to see on an African safari.
Name a way kids used to amuse themselves on road trips before DVD.
Give me another word for cold.
Name something you see in every James Bond movie.
Name a way you can tell if someone is cold.
Name something you expect to see at a hotel.
Name something you wear around your neck.
Name a yard chore you hate to do.
Name a US hockey team that has a big following.
Name a summer vacation destination that kids never forget.
Name something you would take with you if you were forced to evacuate your home.
Tell me something you associate with Texas.
Name something that can light up the sky.
Name something you might throw out when you get divorced.
Name an animal you expect to see at a zoo.
Name something people do to exercise.
Name the smelliest place someone can work.
Name something people get in shape for.
Name an annoying habit.
Name a famous movie about a dog.
Name something you would expect to find in heaven.
Name something you wear to bed.
Name a word or phrase you associate with the word driving.
Name the most popular event at the Winter Olympics.
Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed.
Name something you would take with you when you go shopping.
Name something you can do with a cell phone.
Name something associated with Cinderella.
How many hours can a person drive before they need a break?
Name something you associate with summer.
Name something kids with summer jobs might dream about.
Name a celebrity you wish people would compare you to.
Name someone you might boss around.
Name an animal you might see if you visited the rain forest.
Name a country you could visit if you wanted to see ancient ruins.
If you spent a summer in Asia, name a country you would visit.
Name a sport a little kid might play.
Name someone you think has it all.
Name a reason why a college student might miss a morning class.
Give me a reason for moving away from your hometown.
Name a European city you would love to live in.
Name something you might do on Sunday.
Name an animal that people don't usually eat.
Name a type is cake.
Name something that flies but doesn't have an engine.
Name something you open other than a door.
Name a source of gossip.
Name a reason why your eyes might tear up.
Name something a kid might have to do to earn their allowance.
Name a videogame company.
Name another word for cold.
Name something people like to take photos of.
Name a common household pest.
Name a movie from the 1980s.
We asked 100 people: Name a popular breakfast item.

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