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All the answers for your Family Feud questions!

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Name something that beeps to alert you.
Name a bird that's listed in 'The 12 Days of Christmas'.
Name something strangers might talk about to break the ice.
Name a place in the newspaper you wouldn't want to see your name.
Name something a person sees while driving that would cause them to slow down.
Name something, real or imaginary, that might frighten a little kid.
Besides her looks, name something a woman uses to snag a man.
Name a high school subject that kids consider difficult.
Name a popular wedding gift.
Name something that has a siren.
Name something people find under their sofa cushions.
Name a product that is sold on "infomercials".
Name an animal people wish didn't exist.
Name something a lifeguard should know how to do.
Name something that people get removed from their body.
Name something a person might use to clean their belly button.
Name a sea creature you'd hate to run into while scuba diving.
Name a legendary rock band.
As Harry Potter gets older, name a part of his body that gets more hairy.
Besides a screwdriver, name the best household tool to have around.
Name something that is made with apples.
Name a subject some people consider "personal".
Name the number of times per week that you stay up past 11:00pm.
Tell me a word a child uses to describe a bruise.
Name something you might ask a hotel maid for more of.
At what age would most men like to get married?
Name a romantic movie people like to rent.
Name a sporting event that only happens once a year.
Name a TV show aimed at smart people.
Name something that even the happiest couple bicker about.
Name a body part a pirate might be missing.
Name a Steven Spielberg movie.
Name a famous street in New York City.
Name a piece of jewelry women often lose.
Name a drink that people gulp.
Name a candy bar with peanuts in it.
Name a food you might serve with champagne.
Name something a car thief might see inside a car that might make him think twice about steaking it.
If a man's wife is brunette, name a place she had better not find a blonde hair.
We asked 100 married men: What do you think is the real reason so many marriages break up?
Other than take aspirin, name something people do for a headache.
Name something doctors tell us to avoid.
Name something that beach-goers complain about.
Name a type of business people would not want to live next to.
Name the happiest day in a person's life.
Name a movie that is set in outer space.
Name a TV program you can learn the most from.
Name an occasion when men buy roses.
Name something couples might fight about while planning their wedding.
Name something you would see at a bullfight.
Name an activity that makes people tired.
Name something in the ocean that begins with the letter "S".
Name a brand of soft drink that is lemon-lime flavored.
Name an expression that includes the word "dog".
Name something you associate with the Devil.
Name a popular brand of men's underwear.
Name an exercise that would be funny to watch a nudist do.
We asked 100 women: Name an athlete you would like to see do an underwear ad.
Name something a kid might think his dad is better at than other dads.
Name something women try to cover up.
How many generations of your family have lived in the United States?
Name a group with three initials that scare you.
Name a card you carry in your wallet in case of an emergency.
Name a sound kids make when they sing "Old MacDonald".
Name the lumpiest part of your body.
Name a food that is often served with white wine.
Name something men brag they have done many times in their lives.
Name a nice way to tell someone to shut up.
On a scale of one to ten, how independent are most American women.
Name something you felt guilty about doing soon after you did it.
Name something you might see on a table when a poker game is in progress.
Name an accessory almost every woman wears.
Name a word that rhymes with "dude" that also describes reality show stars.
Name something your second spouse would not want to see from your first marriage.
We asked 100 men: If you had to wear women's clothing, name an article of clothing you would like to wear.
Name something that boys hate doing because they think only sissies do it.`
Name something men will actually take the time to clean.
Fill in the blank: Pamela Anderson owes her success to her _______.
How many parties do you throw per year?
Name a kind of place where you feel out of place.
Name something some men just can't stand a woman being better at than they are.
Name a major airport.
Besides Mother Goose, name a character from a nursery rhyme.
Name something people keep under lock and key.
Name a power tool.
Name something a pregnant woman does to make sure her baby is healthy.
Name something critics review.
Name a famous woman named "Susan".
Name something people do in bed that might annoy the person they are sleeping with.
Name something that happens to a celebrity that makes the news.
Name something you associate with the song "Old McDonald".
Name something you would have to get used to if you joined the military.
Name an important number people often memorize.
Name something associated with the Devil.
Name a product that uses sexy women in its ads.
Name a country known for its sexy men.
At what age would most men like to get married.
Name something specific you might request on an invitation.
Name a Jim Carrey movie.
Name a nursery rhyme that has the word "little" in the title.
Name something you might put in a picnic basket.
Name a singing group that has a number in its name.
Name something you associate with the Lone Ranger.
Name something you associate with Mick Jagger.
Which cartoon character would you most want to hang out with.
Name the first thing you would spend money on if you won the lottery.
Name something medieval knights used in combat.
Name the age when a woman goes from being a "babe" to a "ma'am".
Name something specific for which people receive a badge, ribbon, or medal.
Name something that is imported from Japan.
Name something found on a naval submarine.
Name something you might ask a hotel maid for mor of.
Name a place where people are required to show ID.
Name an article of clothing worn by both men and women.
Name a reason you might not want to go into a swimming pool.
Name something that might accidentally get caught in a paper shredder.
Name a famous doctor.
Name a store that is known for its catalogue.
What is the best soap opera of all time.
Name something you associate with the Hell's Angels.
Name something people hold onto because they say it is lucky.
Name a man famous for wearing women's clothing.
Name a one-word card game.
Name something a doctor might advise you to do.
Besides the weasel, name something that goes "pop".
Besides the weasel, name something that goes by "pop".
Name something people make from grapes.
Name a horror movie that's had a lot of sequels.
Give me another word for 'dress'.
Name something you associate with chimneys.
What animal do you think eats the most?
Name a creature that's known for carrying diseases.
Name something that slides easily down your throat.
Other than darling, give me a term of endearment.
Name a type of machine that requires coins.
Name a musical instrument you associate with jazz.
Name something a child might take to school for show-and-tell.
Name a foreign type of hat.
Name a book that people refer to frequently.
Apart from TV and film, name something you watch.
Name something you associate with taxis.
Name something that has a label.
Name something sold door-to-door.
What's a very female hobby?
Name a type of performer.
Name a mischievous animal.
Name a school subject most parents couldn't help their kid do.
Name something people have two of.
Name a vegetable that is white.
Name a toy you might find in a little boy's room.
Name something you associate with fingers.
Name something you might run out of.
What do you often smell before using?
Name something you might accidentally get locked in.
Name something you associate with sales and/or sails.
Name something you associate with a swamp.
Name a creature that uses its tail a lot.
Name a fruit found in canned fruit salad.
Name a sport where the players wear gloves.
Name something you associate with cars.
Name something people have delivered on a regular basis.
Name something a person might get caught in.
Name something people dye a different color.
Name a hidden cost when buying a new car.
When you let someone borrow your car, name something you hate to discover after it's returned.
Name something you might line up for at a cinema.
Name a month with 31 days.
Name thing you see on a farm.
Name an animal found on an Australian coin.
Name an animal that looks like it's smiling.
Name something you buy for a dog.
Give me another word for 'jail'.
Name something you buy that has to be weighed first.
Name something you associate with a degree.
Name something you associate with a degreee.
Name something people fall into.
Name something Australia sends to other countries.
Name a common place in the body to pull a muscle.
Name a present you might give someone for their 18th birthday.
Name something you wish you could trade in for a new one.
What musical instrument requires a lot of breath to play?
Name a way people like to have their steak.
Name something a workman might wipe on his workpants.
Name a room that might have a chair in it.
Name something that women wax.
What's another word for "excited"?
Name something a person keeps for a lifetime.
Name something most people open at least once a day.
Name something you associate with snow.
Name something you'd hate to be at the end of.
Name something you wish they'd get a new one of at the office.
Name one way customers are rude to a waitress.
At what age does a boy start wiping off his mother's kisses?
Tell me another word for blemish.
Name a food that's served at a Japanese restaurant.
When mum can't make it to the hospital in time, name a place babies have been born.
Name someplace people go that begins with the letter "M".
Name something teenagers think it's important to be good at.
What do you think your approximate I.Q. is?
Name a food you cook in a frying pan.
Name some place where people whisper.
Name the U.S. city which has the most haunted houses.
If a woman said her man was rated "G", what might the "G" stand for?
Name someone who might knock on your door that would cause you to pretend you're not home.
Name a type of doughnut.
What can you have layers of?
Name a part of the body that's spelt with four letters.
Name a seafood delicacy.
Name something you associate with an angel.
Name a reason that men give for going bald.
Name something you associate with a pirate.
Name a food that is crunchy.
Name something robbers of the Wild West stole.
Name a place where you might hear music.
Name something you see on a country property.
Name a fast-paced sport.
Which school subject do you think is useful in real life?
What would you hope doesn't break down just before you host a big party?
Name a popular variety of pizza.
Name something you associate with toes.
Name something that grows in length over time.
Name a place where they have lockers you can rent.
Name something you might put on your lap.
Name an occupation that involves touching others.
Name something you find on a cricket ground.
Name something an author needs to write a book.
Name something you'd find in a Japanese restaurant.
Name something children bring home from school.
Name a clothing fabric.
Name a colour of the rainbow.
Other than leaves, name something you associate with trees.
Name an expensive liquid.
Name something people accidentally leave in a taxi.
Name something you might find on an island.
Name a musical instrument played with the mouth.
Name a food that goes off quickly.
Name something you might do when saying goodbye to someone.
Name something you find in a photo lab.
Name something you associate with ankles.
Give me a word for a part of the day.
Name somewhere you find a radio.
Name something a man might wear to disguise himself.
Give me another word for fat.
Name something you need when you're moving.
Name a kind of doctor who would shock you if they asked you to get undressed.
Besides shoes, name something you might buy at a shoe store.
Name something kids learn at preschool.
Name something you'd find in a hotel room.
Name something you might find in a taxi.
Name something that some people seem to love more than people.
Name something kids play with on the way to school.
Name something you associate with university.
Name a part of your body that plastic surgery could possibly improve.
Name something a man might not have anymore after a divorce.
Name something found in a movie theatre.
Name a place where you might find flowers.
Name a part of your body which might be padded when playing sport.
Name something that you flip.
Give me another word for "kind".
Apart from a bee, what else can sting you?
As well as a baby, name something you need to bath a baby.
Name something you see in a palace.
Name a topic that bored people at parties.
Give me another word for "weird".
Name something you would need to wash a pet elephant.
Name a profession that's handy to have in the family.
Name a word kids hate their parents to use.
Name something you might prick your finger on.
Name a slimy animal.
Name an animal that has horns.
Name something that has many wheels.
Name an insect that can fly.
Name an animal that digs.
Name something that is driven by the wind.
Name something you associate with colouring in.
Name something that grows underwater.
Name a country that makes the best beer.
If you don't have a ruler, name something you use to measure things with.
Name something you find on a principal's desk.
Name something with a flame.
Give me a slang term for money.
Name something you associate with a pop band.
Name something you associate with a barn.
Name a place where you find lots of water.
What's something that could ruin a wedding if it got there late?
Name something you can count.
Name something you associate with a supermarket.
Name something you find in a bowl
Name something you pluck.
Name something of yours that's getting older and looks it.
Name an event you wear a tie to.
Name something a school girl wears.
Name something babies require a lot of.
Name something you associate with darts.
Name someone who wears a robe.
Name a sea creature you would like in a water polo team.
Name any piece in a game of chess.
Name something you might polish.
In the shower, which part of the body is soaped first?
Name something women spend too much money on.
Name something that might go off in the fridge.
Name something you find on a bicycle.
Name an animal that you think of as dirty.
Name a food you only serve on special occasions.
Name something you put mustard on.
Besides water, name a liquid used in cooking.
Name something you find on a tennis court.
Name an instrument kids learn to play at school.
Name something that can be classed as being 'vintage'.
Name something you slurp.
Name something you might pinch from a hotel room.
Name the gift women love men to give them.
Name something that gets tuned.
Name something you need to sew a dress.
Name something in your kitchen that is full of holes.
Name something people take inside during bad weather.
Name a type of pest.
Name a sport where people say 'good shot'.
Name something you might put on a baby.
Name something people get built in their backyards.
Name something you see on a student's desk.
Name a feature of a kangaroo.
Name something you put sugar in.
Apart from horses, name something you might see at a horse race.
Besides a baby, name something you might see in a crib.
Name a style of ballroom dancing.
Name a common way to sign off an email.
Name a part of your body that moves when you laugh.
Name a type of TV show.
Name something that has a manager.
Name something you use in the home that has a wooden handle.
Name something people deliver for a living.
Name something you might find in a tree.
Name something a horse jumps over.
Name something you check under the bonnet of your car.
Name something you need to set a table.
Name something you associate with magicians.
Name a part of a watch.
Name a part of a car that thieves often steal.
Name something a baby does that you don't have to teach it.
Name a country with champion skiiers.
Name something that men like to give instructions on how to do.
Name a famous Muppet.
Name something you bring in from outdoors before a storm.
Name something a really lazy person might get their dog to fetch for them.
Name something specific kids take lessons for.
Name an animal that eats leaves.
Name something you associate with treasures.
Name a type of bean people eat.
Name something associated with "cowboys".
Name a part of their bodies that people complain is too big.
Name a good place to go on a first date.
Name something that most men don't do as well as they think they do.
Name a style of music.
Name something you'd hate to see on the kitchen counter.
Name something women leave lipstick marks on.
Name a part of the body mentioned in many love songs.
Give me a word that rhymes with "coke".
Name any birthstone.
Name something you'd see in a church.
Name something people carry in their hands as they board planes.
Name a place where you spray perfume.
What is the first thing a lady notices when she meets a man.
Name something you need for shaving.
Name something you see on a roulette table.
Name a sport that requires a glove.
Name something people have autographed.
Name something you hate to wash.
Name something that takes you across a river.
Name something you associate with the violin.
Name a food you'd love to throw at your worst enemy.
Name something you might donate.
Name something that can be engaged.
Name an animal you'd recognize by a picture of its ears.
Name a musical instrument in a marching band.
Name an activity you might do whilst in the mountains.
Name a popular type of bread.
Name something you find in the british countryside.
Name something you associate with winter.
Name a London tube station.
Name a football player position.
Name something you associate with a crow.
Name a famous "Alan".
Name a TV soap opera.
Name a slang term for 'underpants'.
Name a European country.
What is your favourite part of the human body?
Name a food that doesn't grow on trees.
Name something you might take a motion sickness pill before doing.
Name an animal that is scary to hold.
Name a sport that requires protective clothing.
Name someting people bet on.
Name one of the seven dwarfs.
Name an occupation that uses a drill.
Name an event that you might want to capture on video.
Name something that softens with age.
Name one thing adults look forward to at Christmas time.
Name a place where talking gets you a dirty look.
Name an expensive foreign car.
Name something you buy for grandfathers at Christmas.
Name something grandmas offer you when you're visiting them.
Name a gift for someone who has just had a baby.
Name something you see inside a pyramid.
Besides books, name something you might see in a bookcase.
Name something you see at a football club.
Name something you associate with a dove.
Name something women leave lying all over the bathroom.
Name something of yours that you hope doesn't start making noises.
Which television family would make the best neighbors?
Name something rich people try to save money on.
Name something people enjoy watching grow.
Name an occupation that attracts ambitious people.
When your car is in the repair shop, name a kind of place you ask your neighbor to drive you.
Name something people alphabetize.
Name a reason a beautiful woman marries an unattractive man.
Name an animal some people look like when they're eating.
Name something children lie to the babysitter about.
Tell me a public place that's perfect for "people watching".
Name a famous rock band from the 1960's.
Name something about their mothers that kids brag about.
Other than a swear word, name something people say when they hurt themselves.
Name something you might have trouble focusing.
Name something a surgeon might wear.
Name something people use to swat a fly?
If you were reincarnated as an animal, which animal would you like to be?
Name something people snack on between meals.
Name something people do on a tropical getaway.
Give me another word for "crazy".
Name a part of the body that you stretch.
Name something you have with chips.
Name something you find in a wheelbarrow.
Name something you associate with fitness.
Name a tradesperson who helps build a house.
Name a canned food you always have in your cupboard.
Name something you see at an afternoon tea.
Name something little kids have difficulty doing for themselves.
Name something people know about Will Smith.
Name something people put on their French fries.
Name a household pet you could leave by itself for a couple of days.
Name a drink you might stir.
Name something angry wives throw at their husbands.
Name something you do when you run out of clean underwear.
Being unhappily married is like being trapped in what?
Name something specific people complain about being saddled with.
Name an animal you might see at the zoo.
Name something you associate with golf.
Name something you might find in a kid's lunch box.
Name a person people go to when they feel worried.
Name a place where you listen to music.
Name something twins have in common.
Name an animal that lives in a river.
Name a subject your friends seem to love giving free advice on.
Name something people do to cows that the cows might object to.
Name the oldest thing in your refrigerator.
Name a London tube line.
Name an animal that eats meat.
Name something you might hang on a hook.
Name something you see when you look up.
Name something you eat or drink that's pink.
Name the first thing a "Survivor" contestant might do when they get back home.
Name something that men find as exciting as they find a beautiful woman.
Name something in a house that might be made out of glass.
Name something a woman might want nearby when taking a long hot bath.
Name something there's a shortage of in hospitals.
Tell me something people pitch
Name something people grope for in the dark.
Tell me something that ruins your dinner.
Name an activity people wear gloves for.
Name something that is important to a man when choosing a restaurant to take his date to.
Name someone people get nervous in front of.
Name something tourists see in Egypt.
Name an occupation that ends with the word "man".
Name a beverage served hot.
Name something which only happens to people once a year.
Name a Hollywood hunk women might want to be in a love scene with?
Name an occasion where people take lots of pictures.
Name something country singers wear at the Grand Ole Opry.
Name a flavor of potato chip.
Name a sport where the fans might yell "Crush 'em!"
Name a specific shade of blue.
Name a complaint women have about their legs.
Name a catalog that men like to look at.
Name something people associate with Madonna.
Name something associated with Donny and Marie.
According to women: which occupation has the sexiest men?
Tell me a word you might use to describe Bill Gates.
Name a word that ends in "scope."
Name something you need to make a cheesecake.
Name something you might ask to have passed to you at the dinner table.
Name the first thing people turn on when they wake up in the morning.
Name something you associate with Walt Disney.
Name a job that involves horses.
Name someone who uses a needle.
Name something you'd find on the kitchen table.
Name a place where someone gives their car to a stranger.
Name another word for "father."
Name a children's story that has the word "three" in the title.
Besides a house, name something people live in.
Name something associated with King Arthur.
Name something that little boys hate being told to do.
Name a way someone can become a millionaire.
Name a bird that is brightly colored.
Name an animal that lives underground.
Name a piece of sporting equipment that has its own carrying case.
Name a musical instrument that is soothing to listen to.
Name a famous dog from a comic strip.
Name a problem a college student might have with his roommate.
Besides a sandwich, name something a mom might pack into her child's lunchbox.
Name something in nature a poet might write about.
Name an activity that makes people want to go to sleep.
Name a person who uses a ladder at work.
Besides animals, name something you would see on a farm.
Besides gambling, name something people spend money on in Las Vegas.
Name something associated with the Pope.
Name something some people do not take off when they go to bed.
Name an animal people are afraid of.
Name a city that has a lot of lights.
Name a famous award.
Name something people have to run to catch.
Name a kind of sandwich.
Name something clouds look like they are made of.
Besides fish, name an animal people keep in an aquarium.
Name a game adults play at a party.
Name a reason you might have to set your clock.
Name something that has a long neck.
Name an animal that is green.
Name something people use oil for.
Name a word or phrase that starts with "chain."
Name something that might be floppy.
Name an animal that starts with the letter "D."
Name an animal that might "charge" if you get in its way.
Name a playing piece in the game Monopoly.
Name a noise that keeps you up at night.
Name an animal magicians use in their act.
Name something people do on the day after Christmas.
Name someone who is famous for being a chef.
Name something you might use if you were going to demolish a building.
Name something that has a string on it.
Name something that is slimy.
Name a word or phrase that begins with the word "string."
Name a famous character who wore a mask.
Name a country that begins with the letter "C."
Name a foreign language many Americans learn in school.
Name something restaurants serve at a Sunday brunch.
When you order breakfast in a restaurant, name something you usually get with your eggs.
Name something a plant needs to grow.
Name another word for "pretty."
Name something people do to their dogs.
Name something people use to cure a backache.
Name a famous Jesse.
Name a word or phrase that begins with the word "French."
Name a complaint a high school teacher might have about her job.
Name a food you would find on a shish kebab.
Name a reason a kid might get a day off from school.
Name something you would expect to see at a Hollywood movie premiere.
Name a type of fruit juice people use in mixed drinks.
Name something you need to make a movie.
Give me another word for "happy."
Name a word or phrase that begins with the word "silver."
Name a food people buy at a gourmet shop.
Name a card game people play for money.
Name a good place to take kids for a birthday party.
Name something you associate with Jay Leno.
Besides a flag, name something each state has their own version of.
Name the worst thing a jogger could forget to put on before going for a run.
Name something people pay extra for when they are taking an airplane flight.
Name an occupation where you would probably smell awful.
Name an occupation where you are expected to be a good role model.
Name a state whose name is hard to spell.
Name a city known for its museums.
Name a fruit or vegetable bartenders use.
Name something people might forget to pack when they are going on a long trip.
Name a place on the body where a doctor might stick something.
Name a murder weapon used in the game of Clue.
Name a place people make a "pit stop" on long road trips.
Name something you might see on a bathroom floor.
Name something you would find at a Chinese restaurant.
Name something you associate with Bugs Bunny.
Name something embarrassing you might only notice by looking in the mirror.
Name something you would see at a football game.
Name something you scrub.
Name something you would find at a tennis match.
Name a type of drum.
Name a country in South America.
Name a souvenir people get at baseball games.
Name something that starts with the word "lady."
Name someone a teenager would not want to show up at their party.
Name a famous singer who is also an actress.
Name a good birthday gift for a fisherman.
Name an occupation where people make a ton of money.
Name something embarrassing that might happen during a job interview.
Name a word or phrase with the word "club" in it.
Name something you need if you plan to scuba dive.
Name a dental procedure people hate.
Name something you would see inside a taxicab.
Name something you might add to a meatloaf.
Name something that begins with the word "new."
Name a fast food restaurant that does not serve hamburgers.
Name something that might be poisonous.
Name something people use to stir their drink.
Name something an 8-year-old might bring with them when they stay over at Grandma's house.
According to men: Name a way you might know that a woman is rich.
Name something people hang up at Christmas.
Name something you would see at a Mexican fiesta.
Name something fish have that people do not.
Name something you cannot do as well when you have a cold.
Name something you associate with Switzerland.
Name a character from Sesame Street.
Name something that makes a man look distinguished.
Name something karate experts break.
Name a kind of doctor you would not want the whole world to know you have seen.
Name a body part that makes noise.
Name a reason why people might suddenly close their car window.
Name something people keep by their toilets.
Name another word or term for "Dog."
Name a word that starts with "Tooth."
Name a famous fictional island.
Name a fruit you can eat with one bite.
Name a foreign country that is considered our friend.
Name a piece of women's clothing men are glad they do not have to wear.
Name something people do with their fingernails.
Name a type of music that many people cannot stand.
Name a way you can tell that Halloween is coming.
Name something dog owners wish their dogs could do without their help.
Besides grass, name something people have in their front yard.
Name a villain Batman and Robin are always fighting.
Name a food people usually go to a deli to get.
Name something people associate with elephants.
Name a part of the body that karate experts use to break boards.
Name something people are allergic to.
Name an animal people find graceful.
Name something babies do much more often than adults.
Name a country an art student might want to visit.
Name something there is more of in the suburbs.
Name something people reach for once they are in bed.
Name a downside to getting a tattoo.
Name something people do more of at Christmas time.
Name a place kids go on a school field trip.
Name something that gets dull.
Name a reason people might choose one bank over another.
Name something people sit down to do.
Name a sign that Christmas is coming.
Besides snow, name something you would need to make a snowman.
Name something you associate with Paris, France.
Name something people feel uncomfortable doing by themselves.
Name a job at the airport.
Name a type of movie they do not make like they used to.
Name a food that is red on the inside.
Name something you would find on a patio.
Name something a teenage girl might envy about other teenage girls.
Name something people do on Christmas Day.
Name a compliment men like to receive.
Name something dogs fetch.
Name an expression that includes the word "dog."
Name a kind of place that is noisy.
Name something associated with a turtle.
Name something you would need if you were lost at sea.
Name a famous "Jimmy."
Name something people stick pins in.
Name something people keep near the fireplace.
Name a kind of bird you might see in your backyard.
Name something that is sugar-coated.
Name something associated with the moon.
Name something that people usually rent for just one day.
Name something people get autographed.
Tell me a sign that a restaurant should be closed by the Board of Health.
Name something diners often leave on their plates at a restaurant.
Name something most people only have time to do on weekends.
Name something you keep in your wallet or purse that has a number on it.
Name something a skinny model might keep in her refrigerator.
Besides meat, name something you would find in a TV dinner.
Name something you associate with Sherlock Holmes.
Name something a mad scientist might have in his laboratory.
Name an actor who is known for his muscles.
Name a beverage kids drink with dinner.
Name a vegetable that is commonly found in soup.
According to women: Why might a girl call her date cheap?
Name something you would find in an operating room.
Name a cartoon character with big ears.
Name a specific reason people might call in sick to work even if they are not sick.
Which famous person's diary you would most like to read?
Name a business where you hear a lot of people complain about the service.
Name something a model does to make sure she looks just right for her big photo.
Name something people do to try to get a baby to go to sleep.
Name a food that is often cooked in the microwave.
Name something that gets carved.
Name an animal hikers fear running into.
Name something rich people love to spend their money on.
Name a prop wrestlers use to beat their opponents silly.
Name someone famous named Robin.
Name some famous brothers.
Name a body part that gets sore after a long day's work.
Name a gripe people have about New York.
Name something people throw at a track and field meet.
Name a type of store you can tell you are in just by its smell.
Name an animal that has whiskers.
Name something you might see a firefighter carrying.
Besides a shop, name something a barber needs to get started in business.
Name a type of book that people DO NOT read for pleasure.
Name a food that is sometimes served with bones in it.
Name something you can see a lot of in a Las Vegas casino.
Name a product that athletes often endorse.
Name somewhere pet lovers would bring their pets if they were allowed to.
Name something you might see on a teacher's desk.
Name a candy that sticks to your teeth.
Name a place in the house where people store their junk.
Name something that tastes yucky when it's cold.
Name something people hang from their rearview mirrors.
Name a vegetable used in Asian cooking.
Name a place that is crowded on nice days.
Besides chicken, name a bird people eat.
Tell me something people cook on a backyard grill.
Name a piece of information found on a birth certificate.
Name a holiday when most people in the U.S. get the day off.
Name a farm animal you will never see pulling a plow.
Name a reason people move from the city to live in the suburbs.
Name a profession people make mean jokes about.
Name a foreign country whose food Americans love to eat.
Name a place where people are on their best behavior.
Name something an Inuit probably would not own.
Name something about a man's car that he might brag about.
What was the greatest band of the 1990's.
Besides golfers, name something you would see on a golf course.
Name a decoration people put outside their house at Christmas.
Name something a person might complain about at the gym.
Name a type of news story they usually send a TV helicopter to cover.
According to women: Besides underwear, what item of clothing will men wear even if it has a hole in it?
Besides a doctor, name a profession people think has really smart people on it.
What is the best way for a married man to avoid a fight with his wife.
Name a sport women enjoy watching more than men.
Name a place that does its best business in the morning.
Name a sport that a lot of senior citizens play.
Name something you would never buy on the Internet.
Name something a man might wear to bed.
According to women: What impresses a woman on a first date?
Name something people swear on or to.
Name a type of class couples frequently take together.
Name something tourists see when they go to Rome.
Name a state people visit to go skiing.
Name something that is checkered.
Name a US state where cows might outnumber people.
Name a word or phrase that starts with "World."
Besides the food, name a reason you might recommend a restaurant.
Name something that some people do only on Sunday morning.
Besides an ocean, name a body of water.
Name a type of vehicle that holds a lot of people.
Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "C."
Name a word or phrase which includes the word "basket."
Name something that can be stretched.
Name a way shrimp is prepared.
Name a famous bald person.
Name a food women crave when they are pregnant.
Name something women have trouble doing when they are pregnant.
Name a famous American astronaut.
Name a word or phrase with the word "quarter" in it.
Name a type of berry.
Name a type of store you would find in a strip mall.
Name a world religion which ends in "-ism."
Name an ingredient in a cake.
Name an animal you would find on a farm.
Name a European city that is a popular tourist destination.
Name a television show about lawyers.
Name somewhere people place flowers.
Name a place where people keep pictures of their spouse.
Tell me another name for the Devil.
Name a job more people have in California than in any other state.
Name something London is famous for.
Name an expression with the word "monkey" in it.

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