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All the answers for your Family Feud questions!

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Name an occasion when people might include some cash in a card.
Name something people do on payday.
Name a household chore that is literally a four-letter word.
Name an occasion when a husband should send his wife flowers.
Name a movie that starts with the word "Dirty."
Besides Michael, give me the first name of one of the Jackson family.
Tell me a famous person named "Jamie."
Name an animal with long ears.
Besides milk, name a popular dairy product.
Give me a vegetable that starts with the letter "B."
Name an animal that people use for transportation.
Name a complaint many women have about their husband's job.
Name a part of the local news broadcast that people specifically watch for.
Name any astronaut.
Name something religious that is found in many homes.
Name something slobs use as a napkin.
Name something that people dunk.
On what day of the week are most banks held up?
Name something it would be unwise to do at the office Christmas party.
Name a clothing store teenagers love.
Name something for which people want quick relief.
Tell me a name that might be crossed out of Jennifer Lopez's address book.
Name something that helps people stay dry.
Name something specific that people use to scare burglars away.
Name a colorful president.
Name something a man traditionally does when proposing marriage.
Name someone with the last name of Boone.
In your opinion, what happens when you die?
We asked 100 married men...In a word, why did you get married?
What animal do you think can be taught the most tricks?
Something people do at a scary movie.
Name something that has a hole in the middle.
Tell me something parents are always telling their kids to close.
Name something that has a gutter.
Name something that always breaks down at the worst possible time.
Name something people associate with Pinocchio.
Besides swimming, name something people do in a bathing suit.
Something adults take into the bathroom with them.
Name something you should always check the expiration date on.
Name something people do the day before they start a diet.
Name something that starts with "Mind your..."
Name a foreign language spoken in many American homes.
A movie that starred Mel Gibson.
Name something you'd never sell even if you were flat broke.
We surveyed 100 women...Name something, late at night, you might ask your husband to do for you.
Name something a woman needs to have before she gets married.
Name a U.S. state that you'd consider moving to when you retire.
Name a bad habit you wish you could get rid of by taking a pill.
Tell me something you might have to replace after a divorce.
Name a Disney movie that made you cry.
Name something that has the word "super" in it.
Name something you might go without when you're trying to save money.
Name something you hope to have with you if you're ever lost in the wilderness.
Name something a man would hate to have his wife surprise him with.
We surveyed 100 men...If you wanted to be a ladies' man, name something you would need.
Name a food that you hope you've got milk to go with.
Name something that comes in packs of six or twelve.
We surveyed 100 married men...Name something you get every single Valentine's Day.
If your cell phone rings while you're at church, who had better be calling?
We surveyed 100 women...Why might you marry a man you don't really love?
Name something you go outside in your bathrobe to do.
Name a type of receipt that a wife might find in her cheating husband's pocket.
Who is the best-known person alive today?
What's the last thing you did before you left the house this morning?
Name something some people do faster than others.
Name something that slows down a line at the supermarket.
Name an occupation in which you'd get to hear a lot of good gossip.
Name an animal whose name children mispronounce.
Besides Jesus, name a religious figure you would like to ride across the country with in a car.
Real or fictional, tell me someone who has the word "Little" in their name.
Name a male actor with gray hair who women consider sexy.
Name something that you might take from a restaurant.
We surveyed 100 women...Name something women do for their little boys that they also do for their husbands.
Name something you'd hate to discover had expired.
Which U.S. city would you be most afraid to live in?
Name a celebrity who probably still makes millions a year even though they're six feet under.
Tell me something that's harder to do backwards than forwards.
If diamonds are a girl's best friend, what's a guy's?
Name a fruit that would be almost impossible to stick up your nose.
Name something in your house you have never cleaned under.
Name a foreign accent that's pretty easy to imitate.
Name a famous Tom.
We surveyed 100 married women...If your husband asked you for a divorce Sunday night, what's the first thing you would do Monday morning?
Give me a word that rhymes with "bump."
If you were literally in the doghouse for the night, name something you'd like in there with you.
Tell me a word you would use when describing Abraham Lincoln.
Name something that can cause a lot of damage to a home.
Name something that has caused almost everyone to be late for work.
Name an animal that likes to stick out its tongue.
Based on what you've heard or believe, what do you think you'd find in heaven?
Name something people are afraid to ride on.
Name a real or fictional person with "Dick" in his name.
We surveyed 100 men...Tell me something no woman can resist.
Name something a person with overly large feet might have a hard time doing.
Name the number one state people want to live in.
Name something magicians try to escape from.
Name an important event you'd go to even if you were sick.
Name an animal you hope never sits on you.
Name a famous movie that was all about a dog.
Name a country known for good-looking men.
Name a movie that contains the word "king."
Name something that teeth do.
Name a fat animal.
Name an animal that can kill with its bite.
Real or fictional, name a famous Betty.
Name the most respected newspaper in America.
Name a way people pass the time in prison.
We surveyed 100 women...Name something you would rather be than smart.
Name something made for people to put their fingers in.
Name something men worry about losing.
Name a flower that's also a girl's name.
Name a subject at school you'd hate to find out a ten-year-old knows more about than you.
Name a character in one of Shakespeare's plays.
What would be the worst thing that you could be turned down for?
Name something every person in America should be able to afford.
Name a place you go where you turn your cell phone off.
Name something that a person might have a phobia about.
Name a place people drag themselves to because they think it's good for them.
Name any war.
Name a famous Matt or Matthew.
Name a reason why a spouse might end up spending the night on the couch.
We surveyed 100 men...Name something of yours that's dirty.
What excuse would a kid give their teacher for not turning in their homework?
Tell me something your dogs get to do that you wish you could do.
Tell me something that's supposed to keep you young.
Besides Richard Karn, name a famous Richard.
Name something that Texas is famous for.
What are people talking about when they brag they've never had a single one in their lives?
Name something inconsiderate people do at the supermarket.
We surveyed 100 men...Name an article of clothing you'd like to wear most if you had to dress up like a woman.
We surveyed 100 women...Name something specific women think they know more about than men.
We surveyed 100 married women...Name a reason you'd sleep in a separate bed.
Name a place which most people remember going for the first time.
We surveyed 100 college guys...Name a job you'd love to have at the Playboy mansion.
Name an occupation whose members have to be especially careful with their fingers.
What would be the worst thing to be allergic to?
Name a reason parents might not approve of their daughter's boyfriend.
Name something people have less of as they get older.
We surveyed 100 married women...Name a part of your husband's body you think is cute.
We surveyed 100 married women...If you could hypnotize your husband, name something you would make him do for you.
Name a rock star who's older than the president of the United States.
Name a way in which people treat their dogs like humans.
Name something a man might get his tie caught in.
Tell me something you really didn't want to do, so you pretended you were sick.
Name something the laziest person in the world might put next to their bed so they can roll over and use it.
Tell me one word women use to describe very attractive men.
Of all the talk shows, which one has the funniest host?
Name a food that's sloppy to eat.
Name something little boys don't like.
We surveyed 100 married men...When your wife is talking to you, what are you thinking about?
Tell me something people do in the woods.
Name a public place where you might see quarreling lovers make a scene.
We surveyed 100 women...Name something a good bachelorette party needs.
Name something a soldier in the Army might have to go without for a while.
Name someone from the Bible whose name begins with the letter "M."
We surveyed 100 women...What does it take to get your lover in the mood?
Name something a husband asks his wife to carry in her purse for him.
Name a Christmas song you know most of the words to.
Past or present, name a famous couple you knew would have problems.
Name something people get kicked out of.
Name something Madonna will probably still be doing when she's 80.
Name something on an elephant that's huge.
Name a movie about a horse.
Name something that could embarrass an actor onstage.
Name a strong woman who people love to criticize.
Name some personal information you don't feel is anyone's business but your own.
Past or present, name an actress who played one of Charlie's Angels.
Name something people do during which they hate to be disturbed.
We surveyed 100 married men...Name something about your wife you wouldn't dare criticize.
When going on vacation, what's the worst thing to forget to pack?
Name something a teenage boy might borrow from his father without asking.
Name a specific part of a skinny dipper that usually doesn't look so skinny.
Name a famous cartoon dog.
Name something that birds do.
Name something a department store Santa might hate about his job.
Name something new mothers spend most of their time doing.
Name something specfic that people do to calm down after an argument.
Name something you've been bitten by.
Name something that starts with the word "virgin."
Name something associated with New Orleans.
Name something a really cheap airline might make passengers do for themselves.
Name a reason why someone might go a whole day without eating.
Name something that's routinely done to a person when he's arrested.
What do you imagine is the biggest disadvantage to being tall?
Name a job that teenagers do when they need money.
Name something a husband does for his wife when he's feeling guilty.
Name something specific a pirate might have hidden in his treasure chest.
Name something for which Dorothy and her friends asked the Wizard of Oz.
We surveyed 100 married men...Which of the seven dwarfs describes your wife in bed?
Name any one of Britain's royal family.
Name something students do when they forget to study for a test.
Name an animal that moves its tail a lot.
Who is the greatest female tennis player ever?
Name something babies love to throw.
Tell me an animal that starts with the letter "H."
What is the most common order a back-seat driver yells to the driver?
Name something you might see a firefighter carry.
Name a well-known Frank or Frankie.
Name a gift you bring someone who's invited you for dinner.
Name something you don't want to find in restaurant food.
We surveyed 100 women...Specifically, tell me the sexiest part about Brad Pitt.
Name a character from the fictional town of Mayberry on "The Andy Griffith Show."
Tell me a phrase that begins with the words, "Over the..."
Name a book you go to for answers.
We asked 100 women...Name something you'd do with an engagement ring if your fianc? called it off.
Besides the Rose Bowl, name a bowl game.
Name something in his house a little kid might think a monster is hiding.
Name a famous outlaw from the old west.
Name something on a car that might break but wouldn't keep you from driving it.
Tell me a prank kids pull on Halloween.
Name something you see in almost every hamster's cage.
Name something people walk out on.
Name something you'd like to be hypnotized to stop doing.
Name a specific household chore a bachelor neglects.
Name something that rumbles.
Name a place where you have used a lot of excuses.
Name a reason it's good to be Jennifer Lopez.
Name something an inconsiderate person will hog from others.
Tell me something that has the word "hood" in it.
Name something on your body that moves when you jump around.
Give me a word that starts with the letter "Z."
Give a word to describe something that is untrue.
Name a tradition observed at baseball games.
Name something that people get dismissed from.
Name something you look out for when you're driving.
Name something specific that people grind.
Name an occupation in which people have a chance to become famous.
Name something people do at the airport while waiting for an airplane.
Name something associated with ancient Egypt.
Name something you own that you talk to as if it were a person.
Name something that whistles.
Name something your body tells you it's time to do.
Name something Scotch.
Name a place dogs are known to drink from.
Name an invention that has brought people closer together.
Name something a man owns that he doesn't like his wife to use.
Tell me something described as "prime."
Name the thing you like to do most at a party.
Name something people give to others as proof of their love.
Name something you'd hate to lose at the mall.
Name something that comes in small, medium, and large.
Name a part of their bodies pregnant women complain about.
Name something a husband usually asks his wife's permission to do.
Name a specific place where you'd see bunk beds.
Name something that has a face.
Name something people buy for the beach that contains the word "beach."
Give me a word that rhymes with "spouse."
What do most people look forward to doing on Sunday morning?
Name a kind of bank that doesn't deal in money.
Name something a millionaire probably has more than one of.
Name an animal a child dreams about owning.
Tell me a phrase people yell out when somebody knocks on the door.
Name a musical instrument that a child prodigy might play.
Name a place where you might see Santa before Christmas.
If he ran out of money, name something of value a man might bet in a poker game.
What do you do when another driver cuts you off in traffic?
Name a fictional character with two identities.
Name a holiday where you can count on the banks being closed.
Name something people use to sop up a spill.
Name the coldest month of the year.
Name a reason why a restaurant might refuse service to someone.
Name an activity people do when it's windy.
If you were a baby, tell me a reason you'd cry.
Name the college selected by the brightest students.
Name a place where you might have to pass through a metal detector.
Name something you could always use more of.
Name a powerful bird.
Name someone famous who never seems to age.
Name an animal people sound like when they blow their nose.
Name an animals that could rule the world if it were as smart as humans.
Tell me something you might boil before you eat it.
Name a place where cowboys hang out.
Name something that happened to Snow White.
Tell me a word that rhymes with "nude."
Give me a word that rhymes with "corn."
We surveyed 100 men: Name something of yours that's dirty.
What excuses would a kid give their teacher for not turning in their homework?
Name something a man might not notice his wife has changed.
Give me a name that rhymes with "Harry."
Name a food women crave when they're pregnant.
Name one thing people associate with leprechauns.
Name a movie monster you think could take Dracula in a fight.
Name a way to make bathing a sexy experience.
Name something people do with their index finger.
Name a type of vehicle that's used in the military.
Name a place people go when they might take a lot of coins with them.
Name something that you sometimes don't bother to take off when you go to bed.
Name something about Peter Pan that's different from the average boy.
Name something in a divorce settlement that can't be divided in half.
Name the most useful body part that begins with the letter "L."
Name something people like to do around a campfire.
Give me a name for someone who has to know everybody's business.
Name a device used for cutting.
Name a breed of dog that starts with the letter "C."
Name a vegetable that begins with the letter "B."
Name a part of a woman's body that's very attractive when it's long.
Name a vehicle that doesn't have an engine.
Name something that gets plugged up.
Tell me how many months it takes before a dog is house trained?
Name a part of your daily personal hygiene routine that you sometimes skip.
Name something teenagers do on purpose to tick off their parents.
Name something that a big brother teaches his little brother how to do.
Name a celebrity couple who has battled through a nasty divorce.
Name something you wouldn't want to have two of.
If you saw someone being mugged, what would you do?
Name a public place where there's always at least one baby crying.
Name something you have in your house right now that doesn't work.
Name a kind of net.
Name something that might be dangerous to cross.
Name a part of your body that you can cross.
Name something married people share that causes a lot of arguments.
We asked 100 women: Name an actor who should leave his body to science.
Name a situation where you would show your drivers license.
Name a type of repairman you might call to your house in an emergency.
Name something people might swipe from their neighbor.
Name something you would keep in your house in case of an emergency.
Name something that's good about living alone.
Name something you always keep by your phone.
Name a sport where players lose teeth.
Name something that might flop.
Name something you have to give up to live the simple life.
Name something a child does when having a temper tantrum.
Name something America sends to other countries.
Name a job which requires extreme fairness at all times.
Name an occupation whose members make their living on other people's misfortunes.
Name something men stop doing when they fall out of love.
Name something that scares you when you're driving.
They call themselves stay-at-home moms, but where are they?
If you woke up from a 20 year sleep, name the first thing you might do.
Name a game kids better not play inside the house.
Tell me something you know about Ed McMahon.
100 woman surveyed: People promise to marry for better or worse. Name something that turned out better than you expected.
Name a doctor's order people never take seriously.
Name something in a restaurant that had better not be dirty, or you'll get up and leave.
Name a famous woman with abs of steel.
Name something associated with Larry King.
Name something people kiss for luck.
Name something you haven't ridden since you were a kid.
Name something about Dr. Phil that comedians make fun of.
Give me a word that might complete the phrase: The Black ____.
Name an animal that doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Name an animal that best describes your boss.
Besides a fish, name something you might find at the end of a fishing line.
Name a time-honored tradition that fans observe at baseball games.
Name something a good fortune teller tells a woman will happen in her future.
Name something a man might hide right before he divorces his wife.
Name a breed of dog that a macho man would never buy.
Tell me a famous Dennis.
Name something a lot of people do on Sunday morning.
Name something that has a captain.
Name something people say is on the house.
We surveyed 100 married women: If you didn't cook for your husband, what would he do?
Name a beautiful actress named Jennifer.
When a couple decides to cancel their wedding, who gets the first call?
They say the wife is always the last to know. Name something that she might be the last to know about her husband.
Past or present, name a TV show set on an island.
Name an animal that starts with the letter "R."
Name a way people warm up their cold feet in bed.
We surveyed 100 men: Name something women are always changing.
Name something that people soak.
Name something that people shed.
Name the worst thing a policeman could find in your car when he pulls you over.
Name a reason that a beautiful young girl dates Hugh Hefner.
Name a place you should never ever use foul language.
We surveyed 100 single women: Name an Australian actor you wouldn't mind taking out back.
Give me a famous Diane or Diana.
Name something kids do when their pet goldfish dies.
Love is the right reason to get married. Name one of the wrong reasons.
Past or present, name a famous person whose last name is Grant.
Which animal communicates best with humans?
Name something that a person who just got divorced might be hesitant to do.
Name a reason your car insurance rates go up.
Name something you own that might get repossessed.
Name something that might be on the rocks.
The boss in the family is the one who controls what?
Name something a person might be struck by.
On what day of the week is it hardest to get out of bed?
Name something a person with a really long tongue might be able to touch on their face.
Name something that gets stale.
If you could fly, name something you'd save a lot of money on.
Name a place you'd find ice.
Which particular occupation is commonly held by people with the highest I.Q.?
Tell me something that smells great when it's new.
Name a word or phrase that starts with "chain".
If a man's wife did everything for him, name something in his house he'd have trouble using if they got divorced.
Name something people get on and get off.
Name an animal that seems to exist only to breed and multiply.
Name something that may be found washed up on the beach.
If you were going on a diet tomorrow, what food would you be shoving in your mouth today?
We asked 100 women: Name something that's better than being beautiful.
Name something your date might do in a restaurant which would embarrass you.
What's your favorite thing to do when you're home alone?
Name a celebrity you do not want teaching your kids how to drive.
Name something you might do on a sunny day that you'd never do on a rainy day.
Name a type of business that flourishes in a gambling town.
We surveyed 100 married women: Tell me something you'd love your husband to say to you without prompting.
We surveyed 100 women: Name something men are good for.
Name a specific place at the office where people sneak off for romantic encounters.
We surveyed 100 men: Name something you'd better not interrupt a woman while she's doing it.
If animals could talk, which one would complain the most about humans?
Give me a word or phrase beginning with the word "mouth."
Name something an obnoxious driver does.
Name something a school on a really tight budget might not have money for.
Name something that's just plain rude to show up late for.
What is the first thing you do when you get off a long airplane flight?
If you criticize a chef's cooking, name something he might hit you with.
What do rich people talk about?
Name a famous Kate or Katie.
Name something Donald Trump has that's big.
We surveyed 100 women: Name something you compliment a man on just to feed his ego.
Name something that you see on the cover of a Christmas card.
Name a prop a stripper uses.
Name an item that people bring to a pawn shop.
If you were the world's biggest slob, name something you might go an entire year without washing.
Name something people on cruises do.
Name a city people go to follow their dreams.
Name something you do in the summer that you usually don't do in the winter.
Name a gift a man would give his wife that she might consider an insult.
Name something you can do to mess up when you take someone's picture.
Name a food that you hope scientists will someday discover is good for you.
Name something people can't stop worrying about, even on vacation.
Living for dead, name a former President who's more popular now than during his Presidency.
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you heat the name Elvis Presley?
Name something you shouldn't leave out in hot weather.
Name soemthing your 5 year old should be able to do but can't.
Name a sound your body makes that you might not be able to control.
Name a cooked food that's just as good hot or cold.
If you decided to live a simpler life, what's the first thing you'd get rid of?
Name something that goes by fast.
Name something in the house to which an overnight guest is told to "Help Themselves"
Name something it is impossible to do without a thumb.
Tell me what you know about "The Terminator".
Tell me the age at which children start buying their parents Christmas gifts.
Name a country that starts with the letter "T".
Tell me something bridemaids complain about.
We surveyed 100 women: Name something specific under the car's hood that you can identify.
Tell me something you might forget to put on in the morning and then feel weird all day.
Tell me something two people can ride at the same time.
Name an animal whose legs you eat.
What's something that can turn an ordinary bath into a romantic one?
Name something you want to know about a movie before you go see it.
Name something that might be referred to as juicy.
Name someone famous with "Jessica" in their name.
Tell me something that gets buried.
While salaries have gone down, name something that's gone up.
Name something that begins with "first and ____".
Name a talk show where you always see the guests crying.
When you stay in a hotel, name something you worry isn't really clean.
Name the most uncomfortable place you've ever slept.
Name a celebrity who's served time in the slammer.
Name an animal you wouldn't want your dog to get in a fight with.
Who makes the best burgers?
Name something that lays a really big egg.
Name something a kid might complain about at summer camp.
Name something you're starting to think you'll never be able to afford.
We asked 100 men: What do you like best about summer?
Name the worst pet to put on the sign, "BEWARE OF".
Name a country that you still feel it's safe to travel to.
Name someone actors always thank in an award acceptance speech.
Name something people put their fingers in their mouths to do.
Name the prettiest city in the U.S.
Name something people say they have 'given up' that they still do secretly.
Name a place where you keep pictures of your loved ones.
Give me a famous female whose first name starts with the letter "J".
Name something you might find on the bottom of a shoe.
Name something that health-conscious people look for food to be low in.
When money is tight, people go out less often. Name something that's fun to do at home.
Tell me something neighbors fight over.
What do most women expect most men to be really bad at?
We surveyed 100 single women: Tell me something you have that has lasted longer than most of your relationships.
Name something a wife tells her husband to get rid of.
Tell me something of yours that you swear is possessed.
Name an occupation that gets hit on by bored housewives.
Name something some men wear and some men don't.
Real or not, name someone famous named Jose.
We surveyed 100 women: Name a sport you'd only watch if the players were naked.
What might you do right after your boss says, "You're fired"?
We surveyed 100 married women: What do moms really want for Mother's Day?
Name a reason why a person might turn down a job.
Name something people often steal from the office to use at home.
Name something specific that has an anchor.
People can spend years looking for the perfect what?
Name an occupation where a person carries some kind of bag on the job.
Tell me something all little kids hate.
Name an animal that's really good at digging.
Name something about Tom Cruise that comedians make fun of.
Give me a boy's name that starts with the letter "C."
Name a part of their body where men start to grow hair about the same time they start losing it on their heads.
Give me an animal that begins with the letter "W."
Name a monster who just wanted to be loved.
Name something you spend more money on the older you get.
Name something people have second thought about after they decide to do it.
Name something neighbors swap with each other.
Besides buying it, name a way someone can get a car.
Name a famous person who's known for giving advice.
Name a place where people like to read the morning newspaper.
Name a phrase that starts with "Below the..."
Name something that a couple has a first one of.
Besides a regular Sunday, tell me an occassion when you might go to church.
Tell me something you hate to admit you did on Saturday night.
Name something dogs do a lot of during the dog days of summer.
Name something women can do for hours on end.
Name something that, once you learned how to do it, you never forget
Name something people think brings bad luck.
Name a kind of place where parents are embarrassed by their misbehaving children.
Name something a surgeon keeps near them when they work.
Name someone who died for a cause.
Name something everybody knows about Cinderella.
Name a famous Patty.
If you got fired from your job on Monday, name something you might do on Tuesday.
Name something people ride that causes them to throw up.
Name an improper place where you found yourself cracking jokes.
Name a holiday or occasion that's fun for kids but work for parents.
Name a former president you would have voted for if you were living at the time.
Name something you have to put up with if you live in Los Angeles.
Name something gross a person might say they found in their fast food so they can sue the company.
Name an occupation in which you would go on duty.
What's a good gift to take to someone who is staying in the hospital?
Name something specific that a person might have that he or she won't tell you is really fake.
Name a phrase tha starts with the word "soul."
Name a reason you don't allow your kids to swim in the ocean.
Name something people do for someone who feels faint.
What's a dog's worst enemy?
Name something you've found in your food in a restaurant and complained to the manager about it.
Name the American city you think that the rudest people.
Name something children beg parents for at bedtime.
Name something you'd better show up on time for.
Tell me something that's known as a bloodsucker.
Name something you routinely fall asleep while doing.
Name something people put on their teeth.
Name something people hate doing in the morning when they have a hangover.
Tell me an animal that has big ears.
Name something that's described as running.
When you arrive in heaven, who do you think will be there to greet you?
Name something that people do at midnight on New Year's Eve.
We surveyed 100 married women: When your husband is in the mood for love, what are you in the mood for?
We surveyed 100 married people: What is the biggest complaint about sleeping with your spouse?
Give me a word that rhymes with "bubble."
Name a public place where you see parents disciplining their children.
Give me an American city that begins with the letter "H."
Name something people who are at a casino do with dice right before they roll them.
Name a place dogs hate to go.
Name something golfers might lose during a round of golf.
Name a reason a kid might not be able to go outside.
Name a living thing that hops.
Name something a man doesn't like being turned down for.
Tell me something that a person might lie about on a loan application.
Name something chickens do.
Name a kind of place you might work where you'd really put on the pounds.
Name something a man might have expensive taste in.
Name a movie that has the word "war" in its title.
Name someone you talk over your sex life with.
When a man breaks a woman's heart, name something of his she'd like to break.
Name something that starts with the letter "M" that women want.
When playing charades, name one thing people do to imitate a dog.
Name something people have a hard time holding onto.
Name a kind of workman everybody complains about.
Name some people you're nice to even if you don't like them.
Name something dogs can do for hours at a time.
Name a subject you can't discuss without losing your temper.
Name a writer who everyone studied in high school.
Name something that happened to Pinocchio.
Tell me something you hope won't happen when you're driving.
Name a part of your body that has a lot of meat on it.
Name something that turns people into grouches if they try to go too long without it.
Tell me something people do to pass the time when they're sick at home.
Name something that might be called "foul."
Tell me a place where you'd see a group of cardinals.
We surveyed 100 women: Name something you bought because it was guaranteed to turn a man on.
Name something women do a lot of when they're pregnant.
Name something women have with a strap on it.
Name something a woman throws out the window when she finds out her boyfriend has cheated on her.
Name the most important feature of an attractive face.
Name an American beer.
Name a place where women dress sexy.
Name an animal on Noah's ark that took up a lot of space.
Name an amusement park ride that you could compare to marriage.
Name something people lose that can ruin a vacation.
In summer, name something people like to do under a shady tree.
Name the worst thing a doctor could order a person to give up.
Name something women wear that hurts.
Give me the name of a country that has exactly four letters.
Name something you associate with Kentucky.
Name something people bring with them to their high school reunion.
Name a country where they drink lots of wine.
Name a common topic of conversation at men's poker games.
Past or present, name someone famous whose first name is Elizabeth.
Tell me something that can have a dead end.
Name a circus animal that would be much happier living in the jungle.
Tell me an Academy Award category most people stay up to watch.
Past or present, name a famous Joan.
Name something people get dismissed from.
Tell me something people play for hours and hours.
If a baby was six feet tall, name something you'd have a hard time buying for him.
Name the first thing that tells you to go on a diet.
Name something that witches are supposed to be able to do.
Name a Peter from a children's story or rhyme.
Name something you see outdoors that rhymes with the word "brain."
Name something that reminds you of New Orleans.
Besides chicken, tell me a type of bird that's good to eat.
Name a famous Barbara.
Name something you might ask someone to do to your back.
Name something an armchair quarterback has nearby during the Super Bowl.
Name something specific that gets brushed.
Name a fruit that tastes good when it's dipped in chocolate.
Name a country that seems to tell other countries what to do.
Name an animal that starts with the letter "E."
Name something a boxer wears for protection.
Tell me something that people hug in bed.
Name an occupation of someone who might be called to the scene of an accident.
Name something that women wash more often than men do.
On which holiday are the most collect calls made?
Name an appliance in the bathroom that you plug in.
Name something people have to squeeze into.
Tell me something around the house that you empty.
Name a political figure who's known the best of times and the worst of times.
Name a wild animal that you'd be foolish to keep as a pet.
Name an animal that men are often described as.
Name something Bill Gates cannot buy.
Name something people have to be taught to hold correctly.
Name a kind of salad.
Name the gift you've gotten from your spouse that you cherish the most.
We asked 100 married men…Name something you wouldn't dare buy without first asking your wife.
If your cat went on strike, name something he might demand before returning to work as your pet.
Name a U.S. President whose name ends in "son".
Name something you'd find at most amusement parks. (RIDES IS NOT AN ANSWER, BE MORE SPECIFIC)
Name an animal that's more capable of making a lasting commitment than humans.
Name an occassion that all parents look forward to.
Name something you dunk.
Name an expression that contains the word "ship".
Name something people worry they won't be able to pay for.
Name someone you love on American Idol.
If you can't get a flu shot, name something you can do to protect yourself from the flu.
What do many people look back on as the most frightening day of their lives?
Name something a husband always says he's going to do around the house, even though he has no clue how to do it.
Name something that has wax.
Name an occasion when people get sentimental.
Name something parents regret buying for their children.
Name a profession that requires schooling past college.
If you dated Simon Cowell from American Idol, name something he might criticize about you.
Name something you might blow out.
Name the worst place to accidentally fall asleep.
Tell me something a lot of your friends have trouble keeping.
Give me a male name from the Bible that's very popular these days.
Name something you squeeze to get more out of it.
Name something a woman sees, that would make her tell her husband to stop the car.
Name something people have trouble getting rid of.
Name something that women like to hold.
What is your favorite casino in Las Vegas to lose all your money at?
Name an occupation whose members it seems are being paid to do nothing.
Name something that contains the word "potato".
What would you do if you saw a ghost?
Name an animal even an elderly person could outrun.
Name a place that offers senior citizen discounts.
What should you always be on the look out for when you're driving?
Name something you'd hate to discover you'd been sitting on.
Name something you hate to get into when it's cold.
Name something people break into.
Name an animal that bites.
Name something people look forward to a change of.
If you were the host of "Family Feud", name something you'd probably have to say a lot.
Tell me something that you split.
Name a type of music that's hard to dance to.
Name someone you'd want your daughter to grow up to be like.
Name a reason why a young man would try to cover up his tattoos.
Name one thing that people associate with Beverly Hills.
Name someone in America that may be more powerful than Oprah.
Name an activity during which people get "eaten alive" by mosquitoes.
Name a specific item that makes furniture mover wish he'd chosen another occupation.
Name an animal that you hear at night.
What part of your spouse's body is always cold?
Name an expression that starts with the word "fly".
Name an occupation in which you might do a lot of digging.
Name something about some people's voices that's very annoying.
Which food are you most likely to pig out on?
Name something you wish you had in your backyard?
Name something which people would hate to discover is cracked.
Name something you get rid of when it doesn't work properly.
Name your favorite thing to do at parties.
Name a sport where you see players behaving badly.
Name an occasion for which people wear their very best clothes.
Name a place where strangers become fast friends.
Name something that comes in a huge variety of flavors.
If Donald Trump lost all his money, name something else he'd probably lose.
Name something of their husband's that wives check regularly.
Name a reason a stuffed animal might be better than a real pet.
Name something that starts with the word "Killer".
Name a country you feel the U.S. should defend if the country was threatened.
Name the first thing a teenager does when he gets home from school.
Name a popular college major.
We asked 100 women: What was the worst occupation you ever had?
Name a specific animal whose eggs you'd probably never eat for breakfast.
Excluding your fellow humans, name something you love dearly.
Name something new you get, that takes time to get used to.
Name an occupation where a woman works hard for the money.
Name a quality that makes a successful man successful, but also makes him not such a good husband.
Name something you hope you never run out of.
Name something you might find on a deserted island.
Fill in the blank: It's hard to find a good ______.
Name a profession that requires really good balance.
When it's the middle of the night, tell me an activity you try to do quietly.
Name something that could embarrass an actor on stage.
When you go to a party, name a good excuse to give as your exit strategy.
Name a city that's too expensive for most people to live in.
Name a food associated with Mexico.
Tell me an expression that contains the word "sweat".
Name something that is rubbed when it hurts.
Name somewhere people are where they say: "I gotta get out of this place."
Name something that has a speaker.
Name one of the specific times when you usually look your worst.
Name something associated with a full moon.
Tell me something of your boss's that you'd like to have.
Which city do you think has the rudest drivers?
Name a way you'd know a dog is mad at you.
Name an activity you shouldn't take up, unless you know how to swim.
Name a famous tough guy who could really take a punch.
Name something you should keep in the trunk of your car, just in case.
Tell me an occupation in which you deal with people's feet.
Name something a secretary could do faster after three cups of coffee.
Name something men enjoy shopping for.
Name another word for a horse.
Name a food or drink that begins with the word "hot."
Fill in the blank: There is nothing more important in life than ____.
Which occupation do you think make you not necessarily the richest, but the happiest?
Name something that, to a slob, belongs on the floor.
Name something people do at the airport when they discover their flight's been cancelled.
Name something people think about for months before they get the nerve to do it.
Name something a man would need to go from beached whale to Ironman athlete.
We asked 100 men: Name something you've tried to fix and failed.
Life is short, so might as well spend it doing what?
Name something you see that makes you realize it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Name something a woman usually has more of than a man has.
Name something you might hear someone at work just got.
Name something you'd do if you were alone and stuck in an elevator.
Name something that makes strange sounds when it gets old.
Name something you don't have to do when you're out of work?
Name an animal you wouldn't want to give mouth to mouth to.
Name something babies like to see their mommy holding.
When shopping at a store, what would you do if your credit card was declined?
Two heads are better than one. Name another part of your body you might want to have two of.
Name a kind of person who gets a lot of "buttering-up" from others.
If people don't know a waitress' real name, tell me another name they might call her by.
Name a person you don't necessarily like, but are obligated to get along with.
Name an insect that really bugs you.
Name an animal that people ride.
Name a home improvement a cheap guy might try to do himself to save money.
Name something you wish you had been born with more of.
Tell me a word that can start with "hit the ____".
Name an insect most people find harmless.
If a man got dressed in the dark, name something of his wife's he might put on by mistake.
Which talk show host (not game show host) do you think would be best on a celebrity dance show?
If you wanted to simplify your life, name something you'd get rid of.
Name something that might be shallow.
Name something that always comes in pairs.
Name something some women do with their little babies, that other women do with their little dogs.
Name an occupation that rips people off.
Name something you'd love to win a lifetime supply of.
When you really think about it, what's something you are lucky to have?
Name a breed of dog a man would be embarrassed to admit he's afraid of.
Name a profession that charges people just to talk to them.
We asked 100 men: On what subject are you most often asking others for advice?
Name something you do just before a visit to the dentist.
Name an animal who should be very worried about global warming.
Name the most effective one-word command.
Name a bill you'll be paying every month for the rest of your life.
Name a place people go to read in peace.
Name an ingredient in ratatouille.
Tell me a job a man might have in which he works with attractive women.
Name a food you lick off you fingers.
Name something that makes you sweat just thinking about it.
They say with age comes wisdom. Name something else that comes with age.
If McDonald's had a happy meal for adults, what would the prize be?
Name a fish that starts with the letter "T".
Name something a tourist visits in Washington, D.C.
Name something people do to their hair that makes them look silly.
Name a place elderly singles meet.
Name a good job for the smartest person in the world.
Name something you'd expect to see in a psychiatrist's office.
Name the most famous Englishman alive today.
Name something you'd hate about living on a farm.
Name something that people often do before they go on a job interview.
We asked 100 dieters, "Name the first thing you ate when you went off your diet."
We asked 100 women: Name something you love to splurge on.
Past or present, name a game show about relationships.
Name a fruit that's green when it's ripe.
Name something a teenager would never do unless his parents insisted on it.
Name a reason someone might tell you to close your eyes.
Name something people do to prevent from getting sick.
What's the shabbiest thing you own.
Name a sport in which the term "slam" is used.
Name something a woman loses that makes her cry when she finds it.
Name something that might be missing from your car if you parked it in a bad neighborhood?
Name an event in your life that you wouldn't mind reliving over and over.
What do people dislike the most about riding the bus?
Name something that many people put off doing because it's too expensive.
Which part of your body do you scratch the most?
Name something cats like to rub up against.
Name something that twins share.
While the rich get richer, name something everyone else is having trouble affording.
They say the best things in life are free. Name one.
Name a part of the fish you wouldn't want to find in your fish sticks.
Tell me something about a zombie.
Name something you don't have to do for fish when you have them as pets.
Tell me something people shine.
Name something you could save money on if you didn't have any teeth.
Describe a bad occupation for someone who can't swim.
Name something you couldn't do without your lips.
Name a reason why a restaurant might not make a customer pay for his lunch.
Tell me something people pitch.
When a man starts to go bald, name a place he starts finding his hair.
Name something people have a hard time holding on to.
Name something an inconsiderate person will "hog" from others.
Name something protestors burn to make a point.
Name a reason a woman might be looking better than ever.
Name something that always ends up costing more money than you expect it to.
Name something many people have trouble keeping.
Tell me something a woman does differently when she's pregnant.
Name a place where you see husbands standing around waiting for their wives.
Name a place you go to once or twice a week.
Name a complaint people have about hospitals.
Name a dangerous water sport.
Name an occupation that attracts ambitious people.
Name something that couples in love always have a favourite one of.
Name something people worry about not having in their old age.
Name something people fear that starts with the letter "S".
Name something people hide on purpose and can't remember where they put it.
Name something that has a needle.
Name a zoo animal you could recognize just from the smell.
Name a famous college located in California.
Name someone famous who's in jail.
Name something about yourself you'd hate to be told is bad.
We asked 100 men: Name something women do a lot of that starts with the letter "C".
If the tables were turned, name something about Dr. Phil a guest might criticize.
Name a way people might greet each other.
Name something some people buy new and other people buy used.
Name something you've stayed up all night worrying about.
Name something that some people eat raw.
Name the one thing you just don't want to do first thing in the morning.
Name an occupation in which there's no room for mistakes.
What part of people's bodies do dogs bite most?
Tell me one fact about John Lennon.
Name a reason someone might say they love living in Las Vegas.
Name something a person pays someone else to get rid of.
Name a hot headed celebrity who should enroll in an anger management class.
Tell me one thing you know about Rudy Giuliani.
Name something even little girls plan about their wedding.
Name a woman who made one giant leap for womankind.
Name a TV personality you wish would take a vow of silence.
Name something you might do before an operation.
Name something that's so noisy, you wish it had never been invented.
Name something people like to lie beside.
Name something that a rich kid might brag about to his schoolmates.
Name an occupation whose members should be very clean.
What issue do voters care most about?
What's the last thing you bought that you couldn't afford?
Name something that's really, really hairy.
Name an animal your mate sounds like when he or she snores.
Name something that some women's lives seem to revolve around.
Name something that might come out early?
Name something that can be frustrating to use for the very first time.
Name something you failed miserably at the first time you did it.
Who do you think is the most envied woman in the world?
Name something people pound.
Name something kids build out of a cardboard box.
Name a boy's pet that a mother might dread feeding.
Name an exercise you haven't done since high school gym class.
Name something you'd expect to see on the streets at Christmas time.
Name something you need when you give your dog a bath.
Name something you find in the lobby of a post office.
Name a room in your home that's hard to keep clean.
Name something a couple hides from each other.
Name a school subject you don't know much about.
Name a romantic movie that women watch over an over again.
Name something that might be spoiled.
Other than a baby, name something you'd see in a crib.
Name something people have personal codes for.
Name a loud noise you might hear coming from your rude neighbors house.
Name something that gets sandy on a visit to the beach.
Name something overprotective mothers are afraid to let their children do.
Tell me the worst thing people pawn when they need money.
Name something you might do that could cause you to sweat a lot.
Name something that needs to be changed often.
Name a cartoon character who's always getting hurt.
What's something you can cuddle?
We asked 100 women: Name someone you might call if you needed advice.
Besides a car, name something with wheels that's kept in a garage.
Name something you wear that would still fit you if you lost 20 lbs.
Name something you read every day, without fail.
Name something a woman pretends to be interested in to make conversation with a man she is interested in.
Name something a wife doesn't like to see her husband doing on his day off.
We asked 100 married women: Which one of your husband's relatives do you like the least?
If Mr. Potato Head retired, name a vegetable that might take his place.
Tell me one fact about the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz.
Name something that can ruin dinner.
Name a home appliance that can get hot.
Name something people make up a phony excuse to get out of doing.
Name a holiday that's only celebrated in America.
Name something a person might steal from your car that would make it impossible to drive.
Name something a mom might ask her daughter to turn off because it's time for bed.
We asked 100 married men: Tell me something you're sure a robot could do better than your spouse can.
Name something that fades over time.
Name something you would put on a snowman.
Name someone a person might confess a crime to.
If you inherited a million dollars tonight, what's the first thing you'd do tomorrow morning?
Name something that you keep an especially close eye on during a trip because you're afraid of losing it.
Name a happy occasion when people get choked up when they speak.
Name someone you only see once a year.
Name something that's hard for a little kid to sit through.
Tell me someone you've told to keep quiet.
Apart from jewelry, what might you find in a jewlery box?
Name a government agency with a three-letter abbreviation.
Name something specific a mansion has in it that your house doesn't.
Name something hippies used to wear that may someday come back in style.
Name an excuse that a girl gives when she doesn't want to "slow dance" with a man.
Name something in your home that's used when you entertain company.
Name a food people stir while it's cooking.
Name something a man puts in the pocket of his swim trunks.
Name something about which you think it's useless to worry.
Name an animal that grazes.
Name a smell you associate with your grandmother's house.
Name something you buy that has a clock in it.
Name something people collect today that might be worth a lot tomorrow.
Name a major U.S. city whose mayor has major headaches.
Besides skis, name something people use on a ski slope.
Name something you associate with an island.
Name something that is found in a pond.
Name something you'd rather get than give.
Name a place children go that can be hotbed of germs.
Name something with a beginning, a middle and an end.
Past or present, name a celebrity named "Dean".
Name an event you might hire a band for.
Name something people stick in their ears.
Name an accessory kids put on their bikes.
Name something you couldn't do without, not even for one day
Name a food you wouldn't eat with a fork.
Name a sound people lie awake all night listening to.
Name a kind of wood used to make furniture.
Name an athlete who brings to mind the song "Nobody does it better".
Name someone who would speak at a roast for Mother Goose.
Name something you would hate to have break down just before you host a big party.
Name a possession of yours they'd never try to bury with you.
Name something people record.
Name something about a person that makes him or her look evil.
Name something a cowboy might ride if he lost his horse.
Name something a guy saves money on if he's bald.
Name a subject people talk about when they're just getting acquainted.
Name something a doctor recommends for people who are rundown.
Name something drivers do when they get lost.
Name something for which you've gotten a traffic ticket.
Name a sport that requires you to hit something.
After the United States, which country has the largest economy in the world?
Name something the oldest child gets more than the other kids in the family.
Name something roommates fight over.
Name something that most people can usually tell is a fake.
Name something people think they can get away with if they are rich.
We asked 100 women: Name the softest part on your man's body.
Name something you might do in the nude if you didn't have neighbors.
Name something specific snobs are snobbish about.
Name something a woman has that her boyfriend might consider "baggage".
Where do nudists go in the winter?
Name a place married men go to temporarily escape from their wives.
Name something a woman likes about a man that begins with the letter "B".
Name something you fold. ("Clothes" is not an answer, be more specific.)
Name something about his wedding that a prospective groom has no say in at all.
We asked 100 married women: What does your husband talk about when he plays poker with his buddies?
Name something people have second thoughts about doing.
Name a good place for a woman to work if her main goal is to snag a husband.
Name a reason the people sitting around you in a movie theater would give you dirty looks.
Name a Christmas song you cannot get out of your head during the holidays.
Name a famous person, past or present, whose last name is "Grant".
We asked 100 single women: If you could build the perfect man, tell me something you'd be sure he had.
We asked 100 married women: Name something you've trained your husband how to do correctly.
People often say: "You can never seem to find one when you need one." Name an occupation they might be talking about.
Name something in your car that might distract you while you're driving.
People eat animals. Tell me an animal that's been known to eat people.
If you were called to take part in an amateur talent contest, name something you might do.
We asked 100 married women: Name something your husband tries to fix but often just makes it worse.
Name a popular type of pie.
Name a type of bed.
What is the perfect dessert for a supermodel?
Name something you'd wear if you wanted to dress up like a rapper for Halloween.
Name the least private room in your house.
Name something you wear that you don't take to the dry cleaners.
Name something that grows on a vine.
Name something parents tell their kids not to waste.
Name a food that taste good hot or cold.
Name soemthing that goes up and down.
Name something people put on a bagel.

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